Is it your contention that when they acquire the ability to invade a persons thoughts, that they should?

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No, never ever unless it was attempted to be made to a qualified Person with extensive experience coupled with a very healthy dose of common sense and intuity! An AI system should never, ever in a million, billion, quadrillion years ever have the right to hear and invade a person’s thoughts. An AI computer system is a coded computer system which is not a part of the Trinity. All confessions between God and the Person were never intended in the Creation to include a computer program, or any law enforcement agency, or any other created entity. It was intended to be a ‘personal experience’

Start thinking people, a Person’s confession to an AI can become the beginning of a criminal investigation. Meaning it was or could be a crime or any other transgression that a Person has already confessed to doing, or committed, or even thought about, or even contemplated to do.

All a person needs to think about this AI system is how it could complicate your life once it hears your innermost thoughts. Think about it a little more deeply than just criminal behavior and consider how people’s social behaviors could be misconstrued as a ‘sin’ even if it were to lead to something good but which the AI system does not approve and condone. Also, it is not even wise to speak freely in most congregations, or online since it could be that anything you say out loud can and will be used against you.

You have been informed and advised of almost all of your basic Rights. Do the right things and stay safe.

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‘Hackers’ can get into any system they want given enough time I’m sure. Would they hack an AI Confessional? Of course they would, if only ‘for a lark’.


Combine it with assassinations, and you have a real problem on your hands.

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… proof of reincarnation … Peter Popoff et al. the most recent incarnations of those who invented the holy water vending machine.