Archbishop Vigano is excommunicated from the Church by order of Pope Francis

Thank you for the link. Do you know what Leuren Moret is doing now, did she go underground or did something more sinister happen?

2018 is the latest I could find. So no, fell of the earth apparently!

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I don’t know, the trick is not to read the Bible as a Flatlander. The problem is many Westeners regressed to Flatlander and transforming Western countries into a new coalition called Flatland. With the help of outsiders I might add, playing innocence!

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Highly disappointed in the response to Vigano’s excommunication by the traditional Catholic community, in particular E. Michael Jones, who has since accused Vigano of being a schismatic, destroying the “unity” of the Church. At no point do we find the Latin Catholics dealing with the realities of the putrid nature of Church business.

Maybe E. Micheal Jones knows more that meets the eye about Vigano case. For some reason I can’t shake the feeling, this is a super advanced Vatican chess play and parties involved are: bishops of Chile, cardinal Pell/RIP, cardinal Mccarrick and China. And yes archbishop Vigano is a black figure on the chess board.

How to corral and identify those “radical Catholics” who are a threat to globalization?

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In my view, Archbishop Vigano effectively serves as the Pope. Barring some intricate strategy on his part, Catholics would be wise to support his readiness to confront the influence of the New World Order/Great Reset, which has pervasively infiltrated and corrupted the Vatican’s sphere of influence. Jones astutely observes that divine intervention may be the only solution to this predicament, a sentiment echoed by Dr. Farrell’s assertion that directed prayer constitutes an active form of resistance. While violence may be an unavoidable consequence at present, I firmly believe these issues cannot be resolved through such means.


Archbishop Vigano is a CIA asset.

Perhaps, but if he is an asset, then he is an asset of the MacGregor/Carlson WASP set of American sovereigntists, currently in bed with MAGA and formerly Wallstreet (now heading to Miami), as opposed to the Davos-WEF-British-Israeli (Likud) who are clearly the nexus of NWO filth. None of that is to say the former is ‘good’ only distinct in its evil.

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My understanding is that cia is an mob/wet works power of MIC and is being attacked or at least undermined by brake away fraction of deep state, so if Vigano is Langley than he cannot be MAGA and their propaganda hires like McGregor or Tucker, since these brakeways are probably part of MAGA.


This conversation is really deep in the rabbit hole… I have a question for omnimatter, what is MIC?

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You seem a very “classifying” person with all sorts of interesting filing cabinets. In what filing cabinet did you put Joseph. P. Farrell?

MiC: military industrial complex

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I don’t put people or issues in drawers wth tags on it. I am not one of Kaiser generals in 1870.:grin:
I exercise a lot of freedom of thought thanks to our host dr. Farrell. That’s all.