Baby Come Back!

Emlékezz a szerelemre! Hector Berlioz zeneszerző és Harriet Smithson színésznő? Lehetetlen elidegenedéseik, az övék feszültségeik, szenvedélyük, művészi kötelezettségvállalások: ez a nagyon kompozíció, Symphonie Fantastique.

Enjoy with us! :arrow_down:

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Safety First Forum Tutorial: Lesson # 1

With thanks to Chris over at Safe Network Forum.

Safety First Forum Tutorial: Lesson # 2

Technique #2 TORRENTING
How does it work? A tidy link is embedded into a post, which you believe is about the topic at hand. You click on it, wanting further topic-specific information only to have your computer infected with malware, and exposure to a plethora of pirated data files, movies, and pornography.

This article, “What is Torrenting?” explains the details:

With thanks to James Milin-Ashmore, Cybersecurity expert over at BleepingComputer.

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Oh …mother Kali, Yasna you are… :smirk:

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C’est une joie de te voir petit bébé. Dites à Mac de vous donner mon email si vous avez besoin de quoi que ce soit. Je suis désolé que nous ayons perdu le contact ; vous êtes tous les deux dans mes prières ! J’espère que tout va bien avec votre femme et votre famille.

Thank you, Alicia, for your kind posts, that express caring for members of this forum. I appreciate people like yourself, who reach out to forum members, to let them know they have some friends in this community.

I also miss posts of @RhebaRhae who sometimes started discussions about Dr. Farrell’s books.

Thank you also for bringing light to the issue of “forum sliding”.

Your contributions to this forum promote friendship, and I just want to send you a big thanks!


Yes🙏right back to you both!

Thanks, as well, to David :candle:for this reference for the tutorial I am putting together here at Baby:

@kalamona they are calling for you

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Has been about a month now since we have heard from @RhebaRhae .

Link to where she mentioned considering abandoning the forum.

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thank you Sunnyboy. I am still Lurking.

Interesting how staying away and then coming back now and then affects one’s perception of who is whose and what they are up to.

Sorry to have missed @KatieB on the last vidchat


@RhebaRhae: We’re glad you’re still lurking.

Even though we can’t “see” one another visually, we’re all still people, and our words do leave a resonance of frequencies with which we’re each tuned. On this forum, the people are so wonderfully diverse, I like to think of each one as a kind of intellectual gem. When one is missing, we feel the absence.

I haved enjoyed your posts, even if I just “lurked” in some discussions. I’ll be interested in your thoughts about another book you’re reading, perhaps on a different thread.


Too Radoo… :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:



i appreciate persistence. here is one of my poems. i tried to translate it according to my not-so-humble abilities. :wink:

Between stations

Everything wears out, kisses after kisses
One like the other moment passes and just misses
Like a whirlwind the sounds cast me unto the scene
A cavalcade of colors into the water they bleed
Fate, vision, or dream, it is all the same
The smell of nameless lanterns are masks of the shame
Without a mask, only one reality shines
It is the ever-present, beautifying delight
Word follows word
Morning the afternoon
Death is blackmailed by life, I won’t word my pray
It returns to it’s source, the sightless drinks from the fray
He searches for himself among the objects, crying
What he finds inside: all the letters are dying
He seeks refuge in the face of captives, he works anxiously, sweating drops of effort
He doesn’t live his life, he doesn’t even notice, he puts his divinity into the cupboard
Even tears of willow trees won’t soothe his pain,
Neatly plucked flowers decorate his grave.
The inscription on it, is more than just funny:
“You have to move on, into the hole, after the bunny.”



Me, too, RR! Missed that she was on the vid chat. Miss her input VERY much (of course, yours as well).


Stay loved.


Thank you for dropping in and for sharing your poignant poem, which evokes stark sadness about human existence (to my mind, a collective existence that is simply brought about by humanity’s values that tend to prize conveniences over basic morality).

We send thoughts of “The Four Viharas” (Love, Compassion, Joy, and Peace) in your direction, to bless you and your family, and to give you all strength, as we all try our best to navigate, and support one another, through this temporary dark and bumpy journey.


Good word. . . Plus, keep the b.s. spray handy.

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Hey! You know, I am poetically challenged, much to chagrin of my Master’s advisor, who wrote and published poetry. Nevertheless, I think I may know what you are meaning and it isn’t about you. Am I close?


u r hot with 20 dwarves.

well, that is a picture… :rofl: