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Just as with this past Monday’s blog, so many people sent me this story that I have to talk about it. President-elect Trump has just released a statement on “X” threatening the BRICS countries with severe tariffs if they abandon the dollar: Trump to BRICS: Do NOT abandon the dollar… Now I am not a "free…


The month of October was spent in Tucson AZ house and dog sitting for a friend while he visited China with group of retirees. When I was asked what I wanted from China I said find something stamped made in the USA and bring it back. He didn’t find anything. All the shops and even the small markets had banking machines. No cash.


It’s all about control, control, and more control with a generous dollop of psychopathic greed mixed in. Trump may be in over his head this time but he probably knows how to say one thing and mean another like any ‘good’ politician. He is a negotiator after all. Bringing manufacturing back is all well and good and it certainly resonates with the electorate, but until ‘money creation’ us put back into the hands of their own publicly owned bank, I’m afraid all is for naught.


I love it!

Trump (using his usual big open/bluster) comes up with a way to open the idea of largish tariffs, roughly across the board, using BRICS as a viable “other.”

American School / List / Whigs econ arguments for protectionism and tariffs are 90% INTERNALLY facing – how to PROTECT, and improve the economy and lives of the people of the country. Individual country targets, individual item targets, sanctions in yet another name attempting to DIRECTLY get another country to take a specific to them internal change at our behest THESE don’t work so well and should be the very last act (EVs from China, anyone?) of tariff targets.

so in this way i really applaud trump’s bombastic BRICS target. that WOULD be an almost universal anti-“others” style tariff. great start!

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If we consider that China was a “pet project” of globalists since the GHW Bush senior was roaming Chinese interior in the 50ties, then Trump administration and Deep State behind it after that failed experiment decided to reverse the course. With that presupposition it is a China that is an epicenter of globalist, purely materialistic source of current ills of modern world.

Maybe that’s why Marco Polo finally stopped going there and reported to Realto Doges to cease contacts with Chinese empire since they were so much better at that “materialisting thing” all together?


Considering that we have been watching a political Kabuki, (meaning “being weird”), theatre, for the last few decades, It would be a mistake to accept anything the people on the stage say, at face value.
This is politics we are talking about, right?
This message was clearly directed at the BRICS, however, also aligning with the whishes of his constituency.
Firstly, those who signed the cheques and secondly, those who voted for him. (mind the order of importance)
My two cents: I strongly believe that the liberation of the American people is directly linked to the liberation of the rest of the world, from the financial weapon of mass destruction, the FED Reserve note. In exactly that order.
How do you get the American people to reject the FED Dollar, they have put all their “Faith” in for the last two or three generations. You allow your “enemy” to destroy it for you!
This message to the BRICS, is in my opinion a sign to the BRICS to speed up the process.
Powell, is doing his part by not lowering rates and putting pressure on the American people to align with that goal, “voluntarily”
Also, we have to watch the actions taken afterwards.
for example, Trump speaks fervently in defense of Israel and at the same time defanged the possibly largest Honeypot/blackmail operation in history, “Epstein Island” and I don’t have to tell you who was behind that!

I keep thinking back to that picture I saw of him dressed in a “Bricks Suit”!! :rofl:

Sometimes the old bitter medicine is better than new one Federal note vs CBDC.

There is curious case of pope Francis who is cozying up with Rothchilds or at least often has one of the members of that clan over Vatican and at the same time frequently shows disdain toward Trump and his acolytes.

See for one I don’t believe that Francis and Roman Curia are big proponents of globalism even if Rothchilds are their main financiers(we still don’t know if Koriagina $300T network is the top gun in the whole globalist scheme), bur it looks to me that Trump got into cahoots with technocrats promising better world with control grid and CDBC.
One good thing out of this, is that deep state with Trump may finally be coming back firmly into American hands instead of some foreign entity.

I have no delusions about Trump, someone who erected a skyscraper in NY West and dealt with the police fraternities, the Irish run democrats and the corrupt labor unions, makes him a dangerous man.
There can be no doubt, he is a gangster. However, he is our gangster!

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NOT our gangster. He’s running his mouth in the usual bluster to cover what is to come, and that is the No. American build-out of Belt & Road. The deals with Putin & Xi have already been made. It is very possible Putin might attempt to grab a bit more than the deal (namely The Baltics), and with possession being nine tenths of the law, and supply lines of NATO/US so long, Trump won’t do anything other than talk.

In my opinion, those two things are the heart of the matter from the BRICS point of view. I could imagine the Trump administration might understand the first point. The second point – the cultural element – is another matter. I’m not sure many Americans, inside or outside of government, appreciate the importance of history and culture to civilizations such as the Chinese, Russian, or Indian.


We barely know our OWN history, much less theirs.


Bingo!!!, what I do know is not whether how when why the fiat system as we know it will crumble, but what is right step so whatever transition awakes us should be done!, and bRICs yep are pushing it somehow i.e. currency backed by gold, simply when one cant step up on the ladder forward, mids roaring avalanche, needs to go one step backward!, tho ea-determinists with digital currencies want to jump few steps ahead and that even more simplified said is sure shot in the head, bb’s would greet “them” with b production video “Listen all y’all, it’s a sabotage” [1] like some newskool freestyle digital lobotomy that without finalized e-identity (coz covertly rolled through the past failed plandemix) is sentenced to debacle!, aside that “their” unipolar exceptionalism has also crumbled coz late in many respects behind the eastern empires!

but, hm, could someone sabotage DonaldT for national golden bullion renaissance, surely, i.e. if there is indeed transmutation way for making gold from mercury [2-10] probably someone just need to start rolling protons with help from some a.i. [3] and here’we’go once the secured gold standard to become just another shiny oil for polishing bijutery, but go transmutate the stones :smiley: hm imagine currencies backed by rare minerals mined in outerspace … are You aware from what Eternal Thrones are made of!?, somehow I prefer any mineral and/or its gemstone as suitable vehicle, coz all have by the current and will even greatly have use by the aether scalar physics ahead, thus rarer from day to day, but simply its word for common consent and particular global deal, or if not else by continental regional or local deals to use particular backup for particular crown!, essentially artificial gemstone are easily detectable in lab, and till all grasp why calcite is most precious on this earth, altho present in abundance in the crust, surely will pass some time i.e. its present also in our endocrine glands too [4] so seen like this we are also as vehicles attractive for someone [4][4][4] hek this knowhow till the discovery about microcrystals in the brain was labeled as lunacy!, now go make some cups shelves and beds from calcite if not patio in Your garden so would sense how is it alike to walk higher and higher once hook in Full Orthodox Christian Style [5] that will sing sing sing Praises till Eternity …

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The tariff came up with BRICS in terms of protecting the US dollar. The problem with those threats is that they already evicted Russia from the US dollar. Russia and India are already conducting 90% of their business not using the US dollar. So I think that the threats of the Trump administration on that front, of threats to protect the US dollar, I don’t think that is a serious threat.


@Kenny “The problem with those threats is that they already evicted Russia from the US dollar.”
Exactly, you’re right on. The American dollar never was and never will be all ‘its cracked up to be’…it’s just a piece of paper.

The dollar was doing well as a financial instrument, that coincidently was acting as a weapon; surrounding countries with U.S. arms; essentially paid for by their country’s reserve dollars.
But when neoliberals started “officially” weaponizing the dollar; stealing sovereign gold, stealing sovereign money; they were essentially committing an act of short-sighted seppuku.
The sheer stupidity of killing the U.S. status, as THE reserve currency,
that exorbitant privilege and exorbitant duty; alchemically transforms
simultaneously into symbolic grains of sand -
through a Sword-of-Damocles hourglass.

Cui Bono?

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