Interview on the common surface re god history and dialectic


Just finished listening. Anybody wondering, worth every minute.


Thank you Dr. Farrell.

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Worth a second time listen


Dr. Farrell - This interview really helped me understand the basics of some major issues you frequently make reference to but that aren’t part of a typical Westerner’s “education”: the theological roots of contemporary controversies in the West; the difference in mindset between the Christian East and Christian West; nominalism versus realism; and the pernicious effect of the Western idea of dialectic as opposition. Thank you!

I’m glad it helped, especially re. Nominalism/Realism. I agree with our member Dr. Scarmoge that nominalism is one of the most pernicious threats we have today.

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I am still grappling with what “nominalism” means, and yes I googled it. None the less is that the reason the West has no industrialists left? Anyway you slice and dice it, an industrialist deals with realism. Anything you build starts with raw materials.

Our Western leaders live in total lala phantasy land. As far as I see it, our leaders don’t even understand the basics of logistics, let alone you need materials to fight a war or do anything. The disconnect became so great the only solution was to part ways.

Could you call all this a fallout that culminated into what one would call nominalism?

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Anything you build starts with raw materials

Makes sense…if ideas “don’t exist” manifestation couldn’t happen, the raw materials would be of no use.
Engineers make ideas a reality.

I think many “engeneers of today” build with phantasies and forgot we need raw materials. The West has devolved into a “service economy” were the rubbing of your back consist solely on bribe money for the few and rhe rubbing of backs for the multitudes, without oil because we can’t and probable don’t know anymore how to produce it! If this continues westeners can’t even import it either since we are at odds with those who make it.

Perhaps the STEM program is designed divorce them from reality? Dumbing down has no limits.

Yes, but the people profiting from fraud or should I say illusions is becoming smaller and smaller. Soon multitudes will go hungry.

Golden boy Elon is good at illusions and profiting from it.


It would seem that our “leaders” chose logic over logistics, ( computer) modeling over engineering, and AI over Man’s inspiration.
Call it Modelism, if you will.

Great interview Dr. Farrell, nothing beats the quality of the old land line phone. This remind me so much of the old GeorgeAnn Hughes interviews, used to listen for hours and hours.

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