Israeli Apartheid

Francesca Albanese: ‘Israel cannot claim self defence against a nation that it occupies. This is international law.’


Self defense isn’t genocide.

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The idea that Israel is “defending itself” against Hamas by slaughtering Palestinians, which it has been busily engaged in since Nakba, is absurd.


“You will know them by their deeds.”
Genocide Gaza.
Ethnic cleansing Greater Israel Ukraine.
Samson Option.
Hannibal Directive.
Trust their quack 14 billion jab science, you’re on the menu too.

Tell that to the hostages and their families. Or better still tell it to those Israeli families are living away from their homes because of the endless rockets from Hezbollia. Despite the utter lies being told about how evil Israel is preventing the poor Palestinians from eating. Which is because Hamas yes that Terrorist group that invaded Israel on October 7 who are preventing the convoys getting through.

You’re not in pro-Israel territory and are wasting keystrokes.


Wow that’s a lame response… yes I am a proud Jewish supporter of Israel. To me and for me proclaiming my position is no waste of time but frankly a wonderful duty.

We won’t be silenced, intimidated, persecuted or humiliated. So go ahead with all your hate, ignorance, prejudice and cowardice. Just now that we will remain and retaliate.

Hadn’t noticed before…there’s no down-vote button available on this site. Only positive feedback. Good Giza people are positive for the most part…I think. With a few exceptions.


This is hysterical.

“If I don’t steal it, someone else will steal it,” Jacob answers. “So why are you yelling at me?”


So you are jewish living in israel?

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I find it intriguing that you pushed people to subscribe to Brendon O’Connell’s site; as he had to be one of the most anti-Jewish, anti-Israel channels on the internet!!!

israels increasingly macabre and disgusting behavior have awakened so many people who used to blindly support zionism and “the only democracry in the middle east” ( yet those filthy arabs are all animals for electing “kkhamas” (their lingo is not beautiful as our very very different sounding language) ).
I have read the texts the zionists follow and I was so disgusted by it. It tells you all you need to know about a person who follows those texts blindly.
Raping children is Ok if they are under 9, Goyims are not people but animals. You can steal the belongings of a non jew with no bad feeling, it is yours from the beginning. And on and on.
And supporters of israel now try to act as it is in defense they are killing 10.000’s of children.
That’s garbage, but let’s say so for the argument; what is it israel is doing in Armenia occupying christian districts? Defending themselves?
Just went to lunch and want their land back?
The interview with a zionist on Instagram is very telling.

  • “So do you believe you are God’s chosen people?”
    -“Yes, I am jewish!”
  • " So you believe in God?"
    -“No, I am jewish”
  • " You don’t believe in God?"
    -" No, Im jewish"
    -" But you believe you are God’s favorite people?"
    -“Yes, Im jewish”.

And then theres the eternal claim everyone is an antisemite, criticizing them. So tired of it.
I really applaude the jewish people who are standing up and who has had enough, and they are many now.
There’s rabi’s speaking on how zionism is in fact satanism.
That would clear up a couple of things.
And the rabi who talks about zionists to be guided by the rays of light from a different universe. The zionists are to be leaders in the new world and the goyims should be happy they guide us, like a shepherd guides the sheep.
It’s like a crossover between satanism and scientology mixed with some lovely nazi race theory.
israelis in social media speaking proudly on how they wish every baby to die. Soldiers on how they have raped the mother and the daughter.
This is not normal behavior.
They ask why no arab country wants the palestinians, this proves they are not humans.
Strong words coming from a group of people chased out of 109 countries.
They must not have appreciated being guided by the geniuses and the “most morale people in the world”.
I also recommend everyone to take the test nazi or zionist, where you can guess who said what.
And we should all support the jews in America and around the world telling the truth about zionism and how it is not the true jewish belief system.
The hypocrisy is astounding.
And why are IDF soldiers wearing a “greater israel” map on their uniforms?

From 4000 answers on the test the median is 13/20 correct answers.
4 people had 20/20



From a Jewish Dr. in Gaza. “…Almost exclusively children…”

Curious, good point.

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