Thank you, still laughing at most of them.
Georgia Holt’s still going, too. She released an album about 5 years ago.
Too many all at once, I think one at a time is better pace to be able to appreciate the art.
This line is inserted to allow for indentation, which helps guide the eyes when reading a text.
I’m a founding member of P. E. T. A. (People for the Eating of Tasty Animals, and I would draw the line a little further to the left. I like horse meat and rabbit “tastes like chicken”, and I’ve heard it said that “dog makes a fine meal”.
Deaths Caused By Hurricane Hilary To Be Labeled Suicides
its nor A meme,but there were some funny parts here,
All them flies around elite’s…prolly ate some bad meat;)
,truly… truly… terrifying… I-I-I-I’m s-s-s-sp-sp-ee-eech-l-l-ess
Right? Are we sure those ancient texts say it’s love of money that’s the root of all evil, and not love of mullets? After all, consider the ease with which old texts corrupt, and combine it with the strong prima facie case made above. It’s not looking good for money…
What’s not to love?
You make a good case, I’ll have to mull it over for awhile.
🥸:star_struck:! I have a punster in my life and will have to pass this along!
x 20 = “Body seems unclear, is it a complete sentence?”