Occult Tesla - A preposterous reading of Tesla's Space, Time and Energy

is this grammatical logic possible in the english language, maybe if in our sleep we dont dream but just speak :smiley: what is then language?, and who made the mainstream standardization fix?, how at all we construct in our minds what means what!?, as if I was more precise with my english then all will get my points!?, yep like vine in pie, so just few!, unless the only way to reach vine is through pie …


I tried to find where Tesla dropped hint about noncartesian system for his knowhow, but found just analogy about light and descartes, and lets say for me that is enough so would point that he obviously wasnt blind follower of reductionism, but differs quite from the bulk of neopagan western scientific thought!, if other have similar info Please do share it …

  1. Contrary to the most important tenet of Cartesian philosophy that the perceptions of the mind are illusionary, the eye transmits to it the true and accurate likeness of external things. This is because light propagates in straight lines and the image cast on the retina is an exact reproduction of the external form and one which, owing to the mechanism of the optic nerve, can not be distorted in the transmission to the brain. What is more, the process must be reversible, that in to say, a form brought to consciousness can, by reflex action, reproduce the original image on the retina just as an echo can reproduce the original disturbance If this view is borne out by experiment an immense revolution in all human relations and departments of activity will be the consequence.
    How Cosmic Forces Shape Our Destinies | Tesla Universe

also maybe after all my broken english has useful side, thus this typo from the 2nd paragraph from the 2nd post in this thread, gives hint that he was not alone in his knowhow but “they” couldnt silence him easily coz he was bringing practical inventions in fast pace … and this would be correct logic around the burst of the neopagan transhumanist era to which Tesla dont subscribe!, yet not sure how he accepted eugenics, if at all, maybe just tried to be appealing to some benefactor to invest in his lab or ideas, and/or he was bipolar, what tho is less probable, but whatever was the case, solely by contemplating his knowhow around conscious cosmic forces he is departing enmasse from the baconian cartesian newtonian manmachine (deus’ex’machina) meme, and just coz that he was labeled as looney!, wait the day tho when “they” themselves will see in “their” own looney mirror!

so dont mind my english, but do try to find some hints in it, if that is possible or doable, hek if we dont have ability to decipher this kind of unstandardized forms of english, then how we would expect to resolve cosmic mysteries :smiley:

Thank you, Scarmonge and associates. I have a detailed response enroute.

… the article link I posted was by Alan D. Sokal … as in The Sokal Hoax. But if one wants to wade on in … How Alan Sokal Won the Battle but Lost the ‘Science Wars’ – Commentary Magazine

Of course, the media-academic complex labled it “hoax” since it draws the reader very near to many of serious issues in the public consumptions variant of physics, but, there are even more fundamental problems, at the very use and abuse of the definitions of space and time. I’ll cover that issue shortly.

Western ideology, including physics, is based on some version of nominalism and its associated empiricism. Adopting this perspective implies that nothing possesses inherent significance or purpose because such meaning would transcend individual existence and embody a universal essence. Consequently, pursuing meaning must originate from an external source (Godel, Incompleteness). Moreover, the adherence to nominalism, which necessitates materialism, reduces all existence to mere mechanistic determinism. Thus, even if we happen to stumble upon a seemingly arbitrary foothold for meaning, we remain uncertain of its veracity or virtue.

Problem #1: The Problem of the Essence of Space.

The fundamental limitation shared by mechanism and vitalism is what prevents even genuine attempts, as with the article, at a successful synthesis. The inability to think of Energy and its accompanying manifestations (matter) and their delineation. One must go right to the heart of mechanistic thought and demonstrate that where it deals with energy, it does so only indirectly by reducing all energy to caloric (thermal or mass-bound electromagnetic sensible heat gradations) energy, and to Light (local short-range lumination due to degradation of longitudinal systems) and its information content, as in thermodynamics and systems theory.

Problem #2: The Spacialization of Time

For every process - a timing by phase lock of field fluxes (“the phase flow”), red"reductionism persists - not simply by the representation of Space, but by the unremitting spatialization of Time and its reduction to one-dimensionality. It is in the topological level of the embedding procedure, right at the definitions of manifold and continuum, that the fundamental inadequacy of the method arises with respect to its object. The manifold is taken to be merely a mapping surface - instead of the map, its surface, and its depth, which consists of a wave-energy field composed of TWO commensurate, mutually imbricated but DISTINCT manifolds. At this point, only a flat map is produced, which yields an increasing number of excess additive dimensions, which is where string theory (9, 11, or 13) is born. Ehret fails miserably to understand this, but alas, he is not alone by a stretch. Such an approach is destined to fail - unless one is to be content with the metaphor that fields, real matter in real flux, have been turned into. Space and Time must be employed as distinct physical manifolds whose commensurate properties flow directly from the type or nature of the energy interaction - which is to say, from the fine structure of the energy quanta involved. At the bottom, this is a problem subsidiary to the problem of the definition of an energy continuum and the latter’s relationship to discrete discontinuities, that is, Planck-level particulates. In other words, overcoming the failed synthesis of wholism and reductionism is squatting directly at the definition of the space-time continuum.

Therefore, as I see the issue, the very errors in physical theory which the article reviews, are the result of the nominalistic removal of the notion of the Real to be inclusive of the universal, or conceptual. Only a reorientation of physical theory to include the universal (necessary being) will yield greater accuracy for the formalist (contingent being). Additionally, this provide us with a readily apprehendable synthesis of theology, metaphysics and physics and in my case of particular interest, the biophysics of living systems.

Edit: I’ve just encountered Dr. Farrell’s post regarding Tucker Carlson and Dugin, and it appears, we have arrived at the same issue of Nominalism, as I outline in the first paragraph. A very curious simultaneity, indeed.

Various scholars have articulated concepts that mirror aspects of the aether transmission theory, which posits the existence of massless, ambipolar (non-polarizing) charges. Notably, Nikola Tesla referred to unconventional forms of electricity, delineating them as “nonordinary electricity,” “primary electricity,” and “ether electricity,” and identifying “longitudinal electric waves” that differ from conventional electromagnetic radiation. These phenomena are collectively known as Tesla waves or Tesla radiation. Wilhelm Reich described a similar concept with his massless orgone energy and associated orgone charges. Pavel Cerenkov discussed the transmission of “potential,” or its “envelope,” via a pilot or phase wave that travels faster than the speed of light, c, yet does not carry electromagnetic energy. Maximo Aucci and Thomas Bearden have presented theories on electrons devoid of mass linked with the propagation of longitudinal electric fields. Similarly, Harold Aspden has theorized about cosmological charges that operate beyond the limitations of mass in relativity, suggesting these charges are components of a dynamic Aether that permeates space, and in its first fundamental condesate, constitutes kinetic plasma, discussed by Dr. Farrell in his works. Hence, the Farrellian “paleo-physics” in my view, is merely the re-emergence of the aether. For this reason, and no other, Ehret is attempting to place upon the physics of Tesla, the very errors of modern QCD and Relativistic physics, which is the making of a flattened geometries by use of flattened frames, of the “space-time” hyphenated metaphor. In actuality, the work of Tesla and others is precisely the anti-dote, even though none of these mentioned scholars, with exception to Aspden, articulated a complete spacial and temporal theory capable of locating topological interfaces of metric wave closure is no more separate from energy, from its processes and transformations, than topology may be mapped out while being divorced from geometry and metrics - that is, if science and mathematical language are to actually follow the internal dynamics of systems, instead of simply replacing them with static appearances and convoluted approximations. Waves and fields are no longer statistical clouds, but an object oriented ontology.

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Alan Sokal - I was starting to feel a little bit uneasy with the political, mental illness, social problems and “feminist theory” and I did think this is stupid.
Unfortunate for me because I wasted 1 hour of my time trying to learn more about quantum theory. I could of been outside Observing the wind.

… I did say that the Sokal’s piece was a HOAX.

EARLIER POST (5 days or so ago)

“… the article link I posted was by Alan D. Sokal … as in The Sokal Hoax. But if one wants to wade on in … (Real reading) How Alan Sokal Won the Battle but Lost the ‘Science Wars’ – Commentary Magazine (https://www.commentary.org/articles/james-meigs/alan-sokal-parody-predicts-dreadful-woke-future/)”

… but I would not say that your time was wasted. Acquiring discernment in terms of argument v argumentation and having the ability to suss out the suppositions and presuppositions of others are important skills. Having experience reading things like the Sokal piece helps toward such ends. It serves as an example of how blinkered folks can become and how easily one might be swayed by such absurdities.

Dr. Farrell quite often, and rightfully so, points out the importance of footnotes. Unfortunately, even if provided, they are often ignored or overlooked. Many caught on to what Sokal was up to from the information provided in his “footnotes”.

Sokal accurately identifies the core issue within the concepts of space, topology, and manifold, despite his satirical approach. Upon a second review, I recognized the nature of his work with a second reading, and I had not previously encountered Sokal, I thank you for the reference.

“In quantum gravity, as we shall see, the space-time manifold ceases to exist as an objective physical reality”

@Sandygirl I suggest reviewing the field of physics through a comprehensive resource that offers a historical perspective alongside various theoretical frameworks. For this purpose, Steven Rado’s “Aetherokinematics” and “Aetherodynamics” serve as excellent references. Studying physics solely through mainstream interpretations such as Quantum Chromodynamics, Relativity, or Standard Theory/Standard Model of Particle Physics can be inefficient when done in isolation.


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I’m at such a basic level I was looking up words like neo Cartesian, Inexorable flux, space time
manifold, nominalism and a few other terms which helped my comprehension. I just needed to slow down and process the information.

Thank you for the link. I love this field of of creation of who/what we are all a part of. Electricity, magnetism, particles, photons and light. The nature of the universe is the nature of us.

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If you are a novice, you may look into Walter Russell, who I’ve found over the years of interaction is a good starting point for those individuals without a background in physics.

I am not advocating Russell’s views, certainly his metaphysics and lack-thereof pantheism, but he writes in such a way that it will assist you conceptualizing the idea of a wave-field giving rise to matter.

I would also recommend the work of Dale Pond, who has done some very interesting synthesizing of the work of John Ernst Worrell Keely and Russell, a work titled sympathetic and vibratory physics.

Once you have some basic ideation in your minds eye, proceed with Rado, if you make it that far, come back for more.

Invisible Rainbow
… this also might be of interest to you.

@Scarmoge hm fascinating share … he has interesting logic regards bioresonance … just wonder how Tesla was reasoning about … I’ve heard the next interview earlier, but havent read his book, what I find amazing is how low impact has this kind of knowhow on the masses, so prime problem we face now is the mindboggling propaganda of the mainstreamers as in physics so as chemistry and biology [1][1] but sooner than later hope “their” wrong reductionist narrative will fell apart, if not else “they” will stop enforcing “their” scientific exceptionalism and leave open room if not else “their” a.i.'s to loosen “their” selfdelusions, tho stil there will be some issue around the positive bias when pushing “own” prompts, but once taken in account all possible alternative knowhow its just time when “their” lid will flip on “them”!

now knowing that the spiritual world is basis for this one, then obviously Angels and demons’anathema’to’them are always inbetween all our mesh of bioresonance, as JPF point through the plasma, but I’ll say even through all spectrum altho surely there are rules and laws that regulate the interaction yet again in corelation to Our Free Will, but also all consciousness of all living beings … and we can just assume how as Omnipotent Energy we are stimulated as Life through Grace … and altho it should be known to us that even the words are live as logos, even we are warned be cautious what we speak, still we are reckless deliberately or not how we behave and how use the words (i.e. what we share or perceive) as Aristotle correctly observed @ Music directly imitates the passions or states of the soul…when one listens to music that imitates a certain passion, he becomes imbued with the same passion; and if over a long time he habitually listens to music that rouses ignoble passions, his whole character will be shaped to an ignoble form@ [1] so be wise be wakeful when wrong or bad vibes are poured around, when if enough long one will acostume to them as negative energy becomes food for the fallen angels and actually we experience then relief just when exploit such bad vibe, becoming hooked on whatever we’ve made idol from it, especially problematic when invisible deadly sins are becoming appetite for our survival whether resting in the hedonistic or materialistic and/or egoistic realms of low passions!, hm can we reset bad temper through electro shocks :sunny: actually why we enjoy the sunny day, but as with everything in this world too much from something causes choking of the system!, so always foster to be balanced, also always seek for good vibes, but avoid to fell in the trap of triviality which brings boredom so would not end up idealess, but how we could become and stay in cultural spiritual and professional exaltation, hm maybe above all the surrounding reflects high in this context, assuming U are intellectual extrovert …

… and as environment nowadays not only that we are influenced directly by all bioresonance around us, or emf footprints and radiation, in the physical world, also same blobs exist and thrive in the virtual one!, I am certain indirectly we are affected by social networks too, actually all e-reality, when if the vortex of energies there are unhealthy surely we are influenced too on all energetic levels!, guess if tiktok or instagram as vlogs are like fakebook on steroids, then there we are getting hooked on extra energy draining vortex!, altho it could be as well case of charging for someone, but if and only if we are not surrounded there with bad vibes and unhealthy people, what is bit impossible if we know that the current soc.net. reality is heavily tied to lusts money and pride as never before i.e. most of the vibe there is negative on top possessive and in case of fakebook voyeuristic, with great accent on hate and manipulation, as if intentionally it was flushed like trap for the souls, or You think “we’ve” just misused it!?, altho per’se as e’tool it can be beneficial emergence, yet only if is driven as local moderation of regulation in particular society!, but indeed someone dont have will in right manner such e’tools to be employed [2] but just to used as bait for boosting indifference as end result coz overconsumption of decadence, So i’ll advise every Soul be wakeful what is bringing some place whether virtual or realm, and keep away once sense its pulling You in wrong vortex of interaction livelihood or existence!, at least hang around there only if You must coz whatever reason but as less as possible!, imagine how dumb is from Your side when the Clean Childrens Hearth [3] is pushed in such vortex of wrong bad and unhealthy trends of vibes without any awareness that that is recipe for secure path to eternal fall, the best way for empty emotionless educationless life of Your Offspring, but yeah who has time will or power to finetune the virtual reality of the Kids!?, find someone before its too late, coz our ignorance for these bioresonant risks will fireback sooner than later with loosing Grace by magnitude once in bulk were left the Innocent to be grinded towards damnation tempting poluting and draining Their Hearths enmasse!, Wake Up ,


Yes I’ve a copy in my library…the notes and bibliography take up over 160 pages, just in case the reader has doubts and cares to verify what’s written.

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I actually have Walter Russell’s book and had already pulled it out to read ‘again’ before I read your suggestion.
But then I had a family emergency and everything got put on hold. My 16 year old granddaughter hopefully learned some hard lessons.
I really enjoyed watching the David Pond video. He explains the physics of Keeley very well. The more I learn the more connections I can understand even though different people use different words but have similar concepts. I’ll check out Radio next.
Below is just my notes, helps me to write it down and remember.
1:10, the different sign waves. 42:00 No machine can operate on its own…Everything operates on cycles. Universal principles and universal laws apples to everything. 1:29, gravity, electricity and magnetism… are intimately intertwined with each other; the same as vibration and resonance - longitude, transverse and raleigh waves. 1:38 - The Law of Assimilation; all other laws are subservient. 2:16, you have to go back before 1900 to understand the true basic science of physics. 2:28 pendulum.
Music is the bridge, it operates on the principles of sympathy, in harmony or discord.
Matter is bound up energy, And energy is bound up matter.

I was going to buy this book about a month ago, I’ve seen many references from people. I think the Universe is sending me a message, oh yeah and you. Thanks.

Good, Keely’s work through Dale Pond is an excellent starting point of reference, as it will affirm the existence of a neutral universal medium of energy, which is in a constant state of flux and perturbation. We call the universal medium Aether.

Aether is dark and mass-free in its neutral form. These are two very important facts, as we will find that all versions of physics depend upon a description of classical electromagnetic theory in Lorentzian terms, lumped together in the same analysis of the physical interactions of mass-bound and mass-free charges. The latter are undifferentiated and are thusly unknown to conventional or “public consumption physics.”

This line of inquiry ventures into the intricate relationship between Time and Space, a topic that has eluded a comprehensive description in virtually any theoretical model (physical or metaphysical) in the last 1000 years of known written human history. The accepted physical theory suggests that such fine structure is, at best, fuzzy, if not entirely devoid of any physical basis, leading to a complex web of probabilities of little value. But it happens to be a very powerful and very marketable metaphysics for the dweebs in academia, who huddle and memorize and repeatedly delve into the mysteries of their own navel lint while lacking any ability to reproduce their own findings.

Unlike Newton’s third law, which is indifferent to the number and distances of planets from the Sun, Kepler’s constant—or Keplerian—pertains to all planetary orbits and necessitates precise measurements of radial distances and orbital periods. The inverse of the Keplerian correlates with the solar system’s mass-free gravitational energy, which varies in an orderly wave pattern across different planets – this is as you describe the “Musical Bridge” between human perception and comic sounds. This pattern is linked to the fine-structure constant and emerges from the interplay of three unique wavefronts from the Sun, three wavefronts which are effectively the hand of God stroking the harp strings of planetary motion. The frequencies of these waves (modes in Spinozan terms) and their structure are attributed to the Sun’s three layers rotating at different speeds; we find all things come in trinities for this, there is no occasion for dispute between Orthodox Christianity and aether physics. Three collapsing wave fronts form a condition of inertial mass, which we call a particle. While echoing Kepler’s pursuit of a cosmic musicality and a solar system soundscape that differs from Kepler’s original 'harmony of the spheres.


There have been patents filed my Lockheed Martin in regards towards high temperature semiconductors which allow for ‘Scalar Physics’ as per the Maxwell equations and the work that Tesla contnued towards. This avenue of our knowledge has been cut off and for most in education only know of Heavysides 4 equations not the true 20 that maxwell defined. There is continued work along this path which DEW have been following. As Dr Farrell has stated previously if this technology becomes mainstream we can cause the Earth to crack in two. I have been following Ashton Forbes investigation into the missing 370 flight and see massive correlation to the twin towers and other events which can like Hutchinson cause many ‘unknown’ effects on the world at large using plasma as the conduit to the Aether.