FEMA, FCC schedule emergency alert test for all cell phones in October


Hi @manhattan
I posted this about a month ago. It will also test all radios, television, etc. All this was ‘scheduled’ earlier this year and materialized only on a few electronic items. Will see. I’d rather not hear from them at all…

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Hey @manhattan that’s my local news station. Are you a yinzer?

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Sorry I’m behind the times and still haven’t reviewed all the great material on this FORUM.
I’m planning to keep all electronics off. What about you?


Thanks for posting this today Manhattan. Wonder what they are upto.

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It’s all good. I’m not fussing or anything. Just letting you know it’s supposed to be all electronic devices and not just cell phones. Didn’t work too well the last time they tried it.

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@thebeaver – when was the LAST TIME?

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Earlier this year, if I remember correctly. It showed on my TV but not on my cell.

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They’ve had these in Norway (2) this year too.
They said “all should get it”, but not that many did, and then they " were going to look into what went wrong".
And of course, things could’ve went wrong.
Theres also the possibility the ones they want to alert got it, and the rest they just don’t care that much about.
Im saying it for fun for the most, but its not that hard to send out an alert to peoples phones these days.
Just use the system the IRS uses when they notify people they owe taxes.
Everyone gets them


I knew I’d find this Nation Wide Test brought up here in Gizer Land! I saw it a couple of weeks ago on my browser and instantly felt like there is something more to this than they are saying OR it’s a distraction. Somebody on YouTube remarked it’s really a reset for everything digital, including our money system. When it says it will be on all digital systems, does that include the power grid?

But what I personally find interesting is the timing of this test. Because ,my usually reliable phone service has lately been experiencing an unusually high degree of weirdness. A lot of calls don’t even ring but a voice mail will show up days later. The last few weeks texts I’ve sent with pictures arrive, but the images can’t be opened. An hour or so later there’s a message saying they timed out. Several times a month I get a notification saying, “network cannot complete voice calls at this time”. Have to turn the phone off for a few minutes, rebooting it I suppose. And often, when I call my sister in Mississippi my voice echoes so loudly and overlaps what she’s saying, that we have to hang up and she calls me back.
I’d been attributing all this to the encroachment of 5G on my 4G phone but maybe this interference is a program of accelerated inconvenience to push me into purchasing a new phone. Maybe these issues are deliberately orchestrated, and fema is already monkeying around with the mechanics of my phone. Maybe the “test” is to actually add more upgrades, like microsoft and their perpetual “upgrades.” to my ancient computer.

I feel rather mad even writing this, but I’ve come to distrust anything with names in all caps telling me it’s for national safety!!! So hard to find balance these days, because now you know what used to be unthinkable is poisoning us.

I just can’t help it! It seems suspicious to me.

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Posted this in another topic.

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Ninna, the first thing to do is to call your phone customer service to see if they can explain what’s going on. Next, call your phone carrier, update them on what your phone customer service told you, and see where that leads with your phone carrier. I appreciate your concern about the world going crazy but take heart. The important thing is to enjoy your life as much as you can until you can’t any longer. Time is precious and it’s important to carry on. There are things you can do such as stock up on some food, make sure you have a goodly amount of cash nearby, some say make copies of your documents and put them aside in some other location for future reference. Make sure you have some good books to read in the event the internet/television go down. Make sure to tell your sister you love her often and spend time with friends. Go for walks. The autumn is beautiful. Blessings…

@manhattan, Thank you very much for your suggestions and very kind words of compassion, support and encouragement. That test of the phones and computer grid just snuck up on me. I realize now it was a sort of last straw in a series of recent events, and I vented that frustration here. Ordinarily I apply all the things you spoke of and recognize my challenge these days is to preserver by consciously balancing all the glaring harshness I cannot unsee with the resonance of my own experience with God, the beauty around me, the amazing things that unfold for me in this life of mine. You reminded me of this, caused me to reflect and see my way clear again.
Much love and many blessings to you,

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