You’re welcome. Be sure to check out @undine thread about rocket attack hitting the parking lot.
The Middle East crisis seems like a play by play of a NFL Super Bowl except many of the sports casters aren’t even at the game so make up the plays and still the audience goes wild not knowing the difference.
Just as soon as you find someone who thinks they have someone on the ground, like Jacob Dreizin (to be fair, he is Jewish and might have a slant to his thinking), I read on Eva Bartlett’s Telegram channel (they have eliminated nearly every other channel she had for communication) about Dylan Griffith.
As he points out in the video, the IDF targeted the hospital two days before and warned the Palestinians that they were going to hit it again.
There has to be a point at which American’s get furious over US involvement in all these ‘wars’ and having OUR MONEY being spent on them. Tough stuff, Israel. You made the bed, you lay in it, just like the rest of us.
The problem that WE Americans have, of course, is being on the other side of nearly everything- the planet, the ideology, the religion, etc. He makes a good point about Iran- but it is the Khomeini that controls Iran, not the government, and that is the allegiance to whom Hamas proclaims. At the same time, it is perfectly clear that in the same light, Israel has a tyrant for a leader, as well, with similar aims and goals- Netanyahu has said in public that he controls the US. Make no mistake about the Mossad involvement in 9-11. The allegiance to Israel is imbedded in our ruling uniparty. Hard for us to be clear about “sides” in this.
My position has been to protect the civilians in this but the problem remains that this is a third world situation to which I have only a minimal exposure. (Sitting on a 747 with 400 screaming Iraqi’s running around the plane that was fogged out of landing with the elders quietly sitting with folded arms three seats away, saying nothing, was a start). Sharia is practiced in Palestine and that alone means oppression of women and rape of children so that there is a totally mentally screwed up population. It is much easier to strap on a martyr vest that blows up the “enemy” when you have been starved and raped. Just saying.
In other words, like Houston said… YIKES! What a mess.
Watch The Turks…
The US can’t support ONE war. Putin’s stated goal was to de-militarize the Ukraine. He has successfully demilitarized the West, too. (all of NATO)
There are orthodox christians in Gaza too:
Not all Palestinians are moslems.
Absolutely true! In fact, they’re in West Bank too.
What most people do not understand is that the first people to be chased out of their homes years ago were mostly Christians, not Muslims.
Got to get him to bed early…
How can allowing Biden to address the nation possibly help? I have come to the conclusion that having Biden’s clear mental decline front and centre is a deliberate tactic of this corrupt administration. Historically all eyes focus on the commander in chief during these public broadcasts, the flavour of the narrative is couched and then the policy is rolled out in stages. This fake president acts as a political smoke grenade, providing cover while his handlers decide just how much blood and treasure they are prepared to place on the geopolitical roulette table.
I agree @ShadowNet .I think what you’ve said is a part of it. I really wouldn’t be surprised to see Biden croak before 2024 elections. It’s all very dreadful and I stay in prayer over it as much as I can.
What’s more interesting is the location, Location, LOCATION of all this focus at present. Yes, I know it’s ‘The Holy Land’ and might as well be renamed The Devil’s Playground #2. Maybe 11 million people combined, in Israel and Gaza. #1 for me is the 26 MILLION PRISONERS in North Korea! Kim seems to get a pass, as leaders like Trump, Putin and others kowtow to him. There’s no excuse, I don’t care what anyone says. I have zero respect for anyone who does business with Kim, regardless of the reasons or the claims. They’re VILE.
Thanks for this one.
The “who did it” has really gotten captured by the media and think it’s going to take time to know what happened, if we ever do.
Doesn’t appear the hospital was leveled, but I don’t trust the images. It’s easy to go back in time with pictures, and Israel always has drones and planes taking pictures and videos of Gaza. So “when is any picture from?”.
So far I don’t think it was a rocket shot from Gaza that failed and fell on the hospital.
So far not sure if it was Israel but it could have been, it’s just a matter of politics. If Israeli military and hard core BiBi thought it would benifit Israel’s strategy they would level every hospital in Gaza. “Cutting the grass” as Israelis call it.
Could be a FF via the indigenous side to turn
Public opinion in their favor… but just call it intuition “I don’t think so”.
Think a theory of mine might be gaining validity. Could Israel have dropped a bomb on hospital but not leveled it… knowing there would be outcry - all the while with a plan to make it look like a Palestinian FF? This would take the international eyes off all the bombing and killing Israel Has Done!
Turn all the failing Israeli PR into a positive “Palestinian FF”?
“Look see we are the good guys, in Gaza now leveled ‘we didn’t bomb that building’ it was a Palestinian FF see they always lie on us”. ???
It would fit the hard core Zionist and Neo-con playbook perfectly.
Ok, now for the ground invasion! I am going to summon napoleon from the dead and watch live streams together. Goodbye IDF.
“I know how it feels” ~ Napoleons ghost.
I don’t know exactly what happened but I keep getting all these IDF notices, as they’re trying to rally as many of their own citizens as possible. I am so sick of hearing about ANTISIMITISM ! Anyone, who disagrees with Israeli leadership is automatically labeled an anti-semite. I think Israel is pushing it to the point where it might backfire on them. People with some mind left (and there are plenty) will become insulted at the label and not care anymore. Tired of ‘tinkling’ music…
This Southern Law Center, ADL and all the other victimhood bs they bring out whenever they screw up makes me realize just who we are dealing with. Dancing Mossad in New Jersey?