Part 3: BRICS / BRI - Happy New Year 2024 to Vladimir Putin! Now President of BRICS! MORE FIRES! BRI in The Pacific. Middle East

Well, you know what I think about Mr. Zeihan, a master @ projection and a stooge for the criminal institution.
When it comes to demographics the whole planet is in deep dudu! The only difference in agenda seems a part of the world is doing it in chaos and another part more structured. Ending for all in great reduction of people under total slavory. We are all fighting the same agenda!


I have to wonder what the state of China is at the moment. Trump and everyone else blaming Chiiiiina for everything; a horse being tongue-whipped to death. Putin now head of BRICS and consequently, BRI. How long can he hold up? None of these leaders are young men and it’s still unknown who comes after they’re gone. I know from friends that Zeihan is correct about the liquid fuels problem and Chinese markets are tanking but is this because The West is making it so, or, an organic problem? Looks like both to me.

“…like speed dating for the global economy.”
I like that! LOL!

China trying to get ahead of it.

Full Steam Ahead for BRICS! First 5 minutes is Russia’s take. The others are very enlightening as well. What I find of great interest is all of the Speakers are speaking in English. Do you think they want The West to get the message?

Make of it what you will. I do think that China is on the brink of collapse but no trustworthy news that I know of. There are some good points and some mania, as usual.

Special attn starting at min. 33:00!

BRI fire clearing in So. America? Sounds eerily familiar.
The fact that the fires of in Valparaiso region makes me suspicious, as it smacks of port, Port, PORT!!!

Valparaiso region in red on map.

Meanwhile, from the Maui fires in 2023:


Thank you @QVBB for posting the article below on another thread. Copy here for reference.

Drought continues in Canada, allegedly due to ‘pineapple express’. What’s not said is that hot fires in a large enough area tend to evaporate snow and rain before they get close to the ground. Will there be more fires and where might they ‘pop up’?

Egypt has NOT completely ‘ditched the dollar’ but is using alternates when trading with other than US.

Oh Canada. What a lovely wide burn path at Donnie Creek!

Here we go! Taking Maui via Eminent Domain and Condemnation. Predictable…

A bit too dramatic of a front cover but video makes good points.

US building a pier in Gaza “to deliver aid”? They might deliver a bit of aid but they’re going to deliver much different and a lot more of different! The first of many ‘piers’ to come.

Looks as if POSSIBLE terrorist attacks could be happening on a couple of military bases this month and none being publicly reported. There was one earlier this month in which a vehicle rammed the gate in Atlanta and another last night in VA Beach, and vehicle caught fire and burned occupant(s) to death. This base is where Seal Team 6 and others deployed. Only a snippet of news and nothing else; no pictures, etc. No ‘proof’ of terrorist attack but does seem fishy.

What is esp. interesting is the mention of that ‘pier’ being built in Gaza at min. 17:55. Start at min. 1:00 to skip the intro (drives me nuts) and no need to go any further than min. 26:00.

The more organised the BRICS and affiliated countries/economies become, the closer we come to war (of whatever nature that entails). I believe it has been expressed before here in the Giza Community, that when threats become real to financial/economic power throughout history, and while other reasons have also led to war, war has usually been the resolving action taken. Looks like we are there again. Root of the problem does not seem to have been addressed in that resolution only power shifting to piece of root than another, rather than a radical review of the entire root itself, which would definitely include centrally a spiritual dimension within the overarching solution.

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No Japanese Pacifists.

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FIRST (my emphasis) Gaza pier nears completion. Wait and see, there will be another, then another, then another…

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They’re telling you straight out what The Plan is! This is why California & Hawaii are being destroyed and re-built. Min. 13:40 to 16:45. It couldn’t be any clearer. ALL OF THE PLAN IN A NUTSHELL!

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What will happen to the California Central Valley? Taken out with Climate Control Weaponry or preserved? If preserved, have the land grabs already begun? Ranches and farms either can’t remain at all or they cannot remain in the hands of the legitimate owners.


As is being done with much of the grabs, most likely fire will be used. If Climate weapons used, so be it, but is more effort than necessary, IMO. Yes, the grabs have begun and whatever lands that are desired will not remain in hands of the legitimate owners.

California and Hawaii are just the beginning. They must clear and build ports and transportation routes first, as they require the most design and labor. Really wish I could get some good reports from Canada, as that 1,500 mi. line of fires across the country are really worth following.

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As one old man once said, “Yeah, ain’t nobody gonna do nothin’”. They’re all in it together. Please scroll up and see the info on the ‘pier’ being built; try an entire port, once finished. Meanwhile, little to nothing from countries surrounding Gaza.

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How about that? Who’d a thunk it?


Not sure why they titled this video as they have, but I can promise you, the entire coast of Gaza will become one, big “Long Beach” pier system. Most likely into Egyptian territory as well.

It is unfortunate that if TPTB succeed in driving a wedge between US/Israel, Israel is already prepared to go with China/Russia coalition, and will virtually take ALL the information it’s stolen from The West with them.