Part 4: BRI in North America, Expanding Worldwide, More FIRES! in California, Floods, Hurricanes & More - Happy New Year 2024

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In 2021 the Communist Party’s Central Committee and the State Council issued a transport blueprint for 2035 that included a high-speed line linking Beijing to Taipei

China recently announced details of its plan to turn Fujian into a zone for integrated development with Taiwan, which sits opposite the province.

China is hoping the link will enhance investment opportunities and make travel easier.

A Chinese government official said an integrated multidimensional transportation network has been built in Fujian that “will make it technically possible to construct a high-speed transport passage linking the province with Taiwan,” according to state media.

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Interesting mill. It is the Evraz Rocky Mountain Steel Mill(s).

Russian owned. In May 2021, 8 people were injured in an explosion at Evraz Pueblo after an explosion at the furnace.


That is very interesting! Thank you, @sharick !

There are HUNDREDS of these projects going on around The U.S. that we don’t hear about. It wouldn’t surprise me to see more appear in Texas and other so-called ‘Conservative’ States. “Taking away The Red” by infusing jobs. This is HUGE!

Then, there’s this…

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No kidding when I say, from the coast of San Francisco, south to San Diego will all be porting for NA BRI. Becoming painfully obvious.

Coastal Texas getting lots of smoke from these fires.

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Welcome to Build Back Better in Lahaina!

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They want the cattle out too.

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From my best friend who lives in HI, with regard to the first video in this thread:

"so this was the land he referred to when he said in first interview after the fires , " the State was already looking to acquire the land to build workforce housing…’ "

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As far as we can tell, from San Fran, southward to San Diego and 10 miles inland from the coast line is to be cleared of the public, at least partially, if not completely.

I will update on this after the segment airs but think this is one of the big reasons why Pearl cannot be used as a mid-Pacific base. It has to be Lahaina. Pearl is essentially a POS, given the new technology.

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Ok! Bye for now!

Burn’em out, Flood’em out, Tax’em out.
Going to bump up a notch from here. They’re in a hurry.

Why do I think of aliens when I see bald shaved podcasters? I guess no hair looks better than a receding hairline, a sign of aging?


Flooding rivers upstream and a bit of Texas history.