Another odd layer to the Iran question is that their is a large contingent of Iranian people who seem to support the obliteration of the Islamic host, to be replaced by some emergent variant of the former Persian Indo-Aryan system characterized by Zoroastrianism. I was previously unaware the only gentile revered by the Judaism is Cyrus the Great.
Yep. I have Zoroastrian friends who agree.
Problem is, Iran will be drained just like every other locale and leave the people there nothing to show for it.
Oh yeah, remember those 3 new bases Russia has developed, and it won’t take 5 years either. Start min. 14:45.
When this whole Oct 7th event kicked off, there was all kind of scuttle butt about the water route to bypass the Suez going through Gaza and the oil and gas fields off the coast of Gaza, from the beginning this has been a cleansing mission to expand greater Israel. It also just so happens to further the agenda of 6k years of Biblical and Talmudic Prophecy. so win win!! Right? The people who live there are not of the proper racial background so they gotta go! Right? I mean it was given to a specific culture by the god almighty himself, oh btw in the story that “we” wrote. So it’s not Genocide, it’s doing God’s work!! Ah, now doesn’t that make it all sound so much better???
Our only saying grace is the time it has taken them to get it together. However, scary how it just … keeps … CREEPING!
In this world the Turtle and Hare story comes to mind. In this case, “We the People” are the Rabbit, and we collect all our toys and when we die people come to look at what we built, but in the meanwhile the Club of Rome is the turtle. We think we’ve won with the American Constitution, even though Franklin reminds us “if we can keep it,” meanwhile the turtle still going, simply and slowly redrawing the map.
The powers controlling us are long term planners. They make 50 to 100 year plans! They do this so slowly and methodologically. They move with calculated tippy toes of pushing humanity towards destruction. My question is; are we still dealing with a force that lives longer than us? Biblically speaking or even if we look at the Sumerian king list; these people lived a long time and they lowered our life spans! Now it makes sense to me as why they lowered our life span! By the time a human being starts to wake up, they are way into their 50’s due to being trapped into the circle of life. Lower life span was by design. I don’t see any way out of this, shorter than a war.
She is awesome. True patriot.
I have put significant thought into this very problem! I think the ancients did also. I mean, “The Pyramids.” Anyway, i’m thinking education of the youth is the key here, if we can somehow lock in a youthful indoctrination of the “our truth,” we could just … OMG i’m a nazi! (sarcasm clearly)
No no seriously though, how can we create an education system to teach early, the “reality” and not have it obfuscated? I still don’t have an answer. Every single institution gets subverted over time. We still live in a War like us v them mentality, we need to move past this!
I am not a fan of McGregor, but this time, I think he’s got it right, with a few caveats. I don’t know about “March”, but I’m convinced that Iran IS the target. What McG. fails to mention is any action near The Caspian Sea will spring Putin into action. Under NO circumstances will Putin allow that waterway, or any nearby, but esp. Caspian, to fall into Western hands. To let The West take Iran puts them on yet another doorstep, Ukr and Iran, and he will not let that happen; he can’t, else, he’s done.
If you haven’t seen the video of the 3 new bases that Russia has built, literally, on the borders with Poland, Lithuania/Latvia, and Finland, I urge you to watch it. The build-out of these bases is nothing short of miraculous; once massive trash dumps, now pristine, modern, and massively armed bases. If Israel/US strike Iran in any meaningful way (esp. Tehran), Russia now has the ability to bomb, destroy, and secure over a half dozen Eastern, and Northern European countries in about 10 days. This is NOT including what Russia has in The Arctic to use at will, which would include the remainder of Finland and Sweden, and all of Norway. Once there’s enough chaos, Russia could very well go for the likes of Japan and So. Korea; yes, there could be a plan for that too.
Lee Wheelbarger’s Group has been watching these goings on since March of 2024 (trash dumps), thru October 2024 (bases). It took The Russians only 7 months to accomplish this feat! If I get a chance to scan and upload the maps I made, with measurements within S400 to S550 ranges, and the typewritten report, I will post it here. (It will be a few days, considering my work schedule.)
The main threat[IMO] is an Israeli false flag[1:20 clicks in].
But Washington doesn’t want war with Iran?[2:10]; implying DC is being weak.
I watched this video the hear Col. McGregor, but all I hear is the narrator speaking over him/Col. lips are moving, but you only hear the narrator’s voice.[3:00 clicks in]
Good! MacGregor gets to talk[4:00]. Basically says Iran doesn’t want war. Israel does.
In fact, he implies - the Israeli’s thirst for it[BB]; while Iran dreads it.
Trump needs to avoid being played.
The USSA doesn’t need a World War - via Iran
[false flag and/or Trump assassination]
The below video is much better![IMO]
Thanks Robert. Much appreciated.
RE: McGregor’s comments. Egypt now involved. Haven’t listened to it all; getting ready for work.
Interesting take that jives with Dr. Farrell’s post today: incompetence.
… “Creeping” as you describe it is a way of thinking … In Vietnam my Dad had the opportunity, on occasion, to “interrogate” captured VC. During one “conversation” the VC said that they (my Dad thinking he meant the situation as current) would defeat the US. My Dad replied that he/they should realize that in the face of such overwhelming force there was no chance of them defeating the US. When the VC realized that my Dad was talking about the situation as current in the here and now he replied, “No you misunderstand, I’m not talking about me, I’m talking about my Grandchildren.” My Dad said that he realized that Vietnam was not going to end well.
Many of my fellow older veterans, often remind me, you could off as many gooks as you wanted they would just bring in 50 fresh recruits to take their place. Once you realized the war of attrition line was a lie, you get the GI’s turning to chasing the dragon in the early 70’s, which lead to the whole Nixon pullout debacle, dumping UH-1’s in the Gulf of Tonkin off of the backs of carriers.
So many told me this was the straw that broke the camels back!
Eastern Philosophy is timeless, once you realize that, no one will ever defeat something that has no concept of time, or self for that matter. At least with “Force.”