Pushback against mandated insanity

Go RFK Jr.! Forbes is predictably condescending – and stomach-turning. RFK Jr. “and a band of anti-vaccine activists” on the one hand and “some of the world’s top news media organizations” (says who?!) on the other… The smear campaign starts right out of the gate! This reminds me of why I cannot even force myself to read mainstream publications anymore.


@sunnyboy first brought this to the attention of the gds website.


I’m posting this link here to help others to connect some dots in the ‘overall scheme of the things’ where Kovid is but one small part of the eugenics movement.

“The Fabian Society, Eugenics and the Historic Forces Behind Today’s Systemic Breakdown”


I knew something was awry way before my college years, so majored in the social sciences to try and figure it out. Still working on it….


Me, too, Bill – Here’s some more social science for us: Doctors burning out from cascades of covid/“plandemic” related stressors:


Tom Fitton’s Weekly Update:

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Pushback Wyoming:

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Oh, now it’s okay for the state to interfere with a citizen’s doctor patient relationship? Sorry, dictating what pill someone takes is a bit of a stretch in my book (they tried this with the Covid shot). Our social influencers pushed the sexual revolution on our culture, now laws are going to put the genie back in the bottle? Are the politicians nuts? Yeah.
Ironic Wyoming’s motto is the Equality State and boasts of having the first woman governor with giving women the right to vote. What hypocrisy.
For the record, I was born in Southwestern Wyoming and spent the first 35 years of my life there. I guess the fresh mountain water was treated with fluoride and dulled a lot of brains.

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Another point to consider is that when the crimes ‘pile-up’, and there are 2 or morel parties involved then it rises to the level of a conspiracy, which is not a lowly crime.


I’m not sure what to make of that, is a sad world in that people want to abort babies from being born.

Abortion does seem similar if not exactly the same as murder, and I don’t hear a lot of people arguing about murder being outlawed.


The solution to sexual promiscuity is offer various birth control options, if you get caught not using them or mess up, then you have to produce the evidence—the baby? Another solution to ease everyone’s morals and conscience is make everyone infertile? There’s probably a vaccine for that solution.


Thomas Jefferson was concerned about such a conspiracy; one that was prevalent in his time, and still goes on to this day. Hard to define such a crime; that, if truth be known, goes back to the Cosmic War.
A conspiracy that many know in some form, at its various levels; yet extremely few know of its deeper,
if not - deepest levels.

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Ed Dowd pushes back on the “Vaccine Pandemic” with “excessive death” data. Covid booster shots need to be stopped immediately:

Tucker Carlson Interviews Ed Dowd (Complete, Unedited Interview) | Tucker Carlson Today

With thanks to bluefalken.


Germany’s Minister of Health Karl Lauterbach, who once claimed that COVID-19 vaccination is free of side effects, admitted last week that he was wrong:

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Physician Assistant pushback: Deborah Conrad

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One of the positive benefits of the Covid experiment was the exposure and conscious raising aspects of the level of corruption and money laundering in our world.
Beware of the solution being offered, digital money to track all expenditures. Like the Carson guy at the WEF was filmed saying how a hundred dollar bill isn’t traceable? We have the solution…plus a better way to conceal the money flow from unauthorized auditors.


Pushback Holland against harsh climate change mandates:

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Medical experts push back on Israel’s Health Ministry for Pfizer shot recommendations: