Pushback against mandated insanity

Twitter vs. Taamneh

This case is about the interpretation of the Anti-Terrorism Act… Victims of terrorism are allowed to sue in federal courts those who have provided substantial assistance to acts of terrorism.

Relatives of victims of ISIS terrorism invoked this law to sue Google, Twitter, and Facebook. They are arguing that because these platforms did not act sufficiently aggressively to take down “terrorist” content, they should be held liable for ISIS acts of terrorism.

Oral Arguments heard by The Supremes 2/22/23:


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Of course,
terrorism will be defined as not following government thought processes, or orders.


Mid-Afternoon Muse:
Some men and women take care of each other and the kids. That includes relatives and near neighbors, workmates and playmates, whenever they possibly can. They muddle through it all together, somehow. I have always believed in this basic idea. For me, it is modesty in a world filled with hyperbolic megalomaniacs. Certain kinds of creative crazy are good --even vital – to be welcomed, in fact. But mandated insanity is quite different.

We can only practically tend to so many matters of human scale. Our shoulders aren’t big enough to push the sun up every morning, or shove it down at night. I think I must have enough Irish in me to have learned and absorbed, at an early age, the definition and spirit of exactly what constitutes Malarkey. Discarding trashy ideas was built-in to the day. Sufficient unto the day … Setting boundaries was as routine as disposing of peelings in the pig trough. Dovie Blanche Percy didn’t particularly care if all the other kids slept in and screwed around and lied to their parents. Her granddaughter would pitch in with all the chores she was tall enough to muster --and sing while she did it. You didn’t get to play basketball with the apple basket hoop hanging in the barn, until you memorized your Scripture verse and picked apples.

The Role Model In Chief, on the other hand, suffers from Telescopic Philanthropic Disorder. Luring us to attempt the impossible, he causes us to miss the realizable. Time after time. It’s evil and it’s a pattern. Pushback against that brand of Malarkey is called for, every single day, in each of our little corners of this earth.


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@DrAliciaHill As Dr. Farrell has pointed out more than once, the Bible says “love thy neighbor” (the actual people you encounter in your own particular daily life), not “love humanity” (more people than any one person can ever meet or help, and a grand abstraction you can “love” by mere virtue signaling). That’s one part of the Christian message I agree with.


Now you see it… now you don’t: FBI confirms …

Sure glad I don’t rely on these guys, a bit slow in the intelligence department don’t you think?

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Yes, Bill --The recent rash of confessions and revelations from “officialdom” is underwhelming. xo

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The Censor in Chief, et alia, further exposed, Tom Fitton updates:

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Mid-Afternoon Muse:
I like maps. Do the East Palestine, Ohio railway lines happen to be the location of any major fiber optic hub-lines? If so, who owns them? Do hub-lines in the area, like Earthlink or Inlite, serve as digital banking conduits between Chicago and D.C. – or NY? Is there any evidence?

Follow up on FBI leaked anti-Catholic memo:
Senator Josh Hawley pushes back on Attorney General (Biden appointee) General Merrick


Take a look at this job request. Does this indicate something nefarious is afoot or what???


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I wonder if some of the vaccine-supply-chain originates off-world?
Or, comes in through an interdimensional location of conCERN?
Perhaps, even an off-world “ingredient”; that then gets shipped to BIG Pharma manufacturers worldwide? Or, other locations in the galaxy?
There might even be several off-world patents vying for human ownership?
Do you know who owns your property right’s patent?
Are they even Earthlings?


I wonder about a system that puts someone in charge - that can do this.
It is not the first time - nor, the last.
A system that has the potential to do this; on & on, again and again?
That system needs to go the way of the Dodo bird.
A top down pyramid system of hierarchies?
Surely, there’s a better way.

Some have been able to put in checks & balances.
But those are easily off-set, over time;
by checks and balances.
going into strategic Swiss checking numbered accounts.
[somewhat related to today’s Giza post/no central control]


I don’t believe checks & balances will ever achieve anything in the long run, maybe as a crutch in the beginning.
A state of integrity might, but if I will see that in my lifetime in Western leaders?? Western leaders seem more infiltrated fallen angels in physical bodies.


Senate bill requires the Biden administration to declassify intelligence related to the origins of COVID-19:

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Essential pushback skillbuilder = keep track of gaslighting:

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The system id endemically weak against any checks & balances By Design.
They can’t stand long; if at all.
Especially, as you’ve implied, in a culture being built on falsehoods[no integrity].

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Another mainstream scientist, Dr. Restev Levi, M.I.T. Professor of Risk Management, pushes back hard to pull mRNA “vaccines” completely off the market:

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Tom Fitton, ever pushing back, gives the Judicial Watch weekly update:

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