Originally published at: https://gizadeathstar.com/2024/06/rising-sever-weather-disasters/

If you’re a member of this website or a regular follower on its forums, you will know that over the past couple of years there has been an increasing inability for me to schedule regular events such as vidchats. The reason for this is very simple: weather, and, to be more precise, the possibility of…


Another possible facet: forcing people into compacted 15 minute cities by making the cost to insure a single family home unaffordable. We have here what I call the ‘Texas Hail Roof Scam’ where the day after a large hail storm the neighborhood is swarmed by roof salesmen. They will go up on your roof and say ‘yep you got hail damage, I can get you a new roof and cash in your pocket to boot’ (by scamming prices and deductibles). Gullible people have a perfectly good roof replaced because it’s free. But nothing is free, the insurance companies raise the cost of premiums to cover the scam. And then there are the home inspectors at time of sale that nit pick a perfectly good roof with a few peck marks from hail damage (which do not affect water shedding ability).

Eventually, everyone has to move to a high rise apartment in a city to reduce residence size and cost. They win.

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It’s a 106 degrees today in south Texas. Clouds and a breeze when outdoors is the only relief. Send in the clouds…. Or sunblock :joy:

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I’ve been suspecting exactly the same thing. In Florida, it could soon be cost-prohibitive for anybody but the rich to insure a single-family home – that’s if the insurance industry doesn’t pull out of the state altogether. The excuse is the cost of paying claims for flooding caused during the last big hurricane.

Speaking of Florida, while severe storms are hitting further north, there’s a drought here now . . . and we’re in the rainy season. Between the sand and lack of rain, it’s starting to feel like a desert. Not that I mind the (relative) lack of humidity, but it’s tough on the plants!


And the band played on…

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Geez, no mention of the Sun’s influence on weather, think it might’ve been a factor. Maybe he’s confused about the role of astronomy and thinks it’s the same as astrology which is “unscientific”.