The aftermath of the storm

Prayers to you and Shiloh. Take care and do not worry about us Gizars, I am sure we can keep ourselfs busy!


I pray. And I say:
To Аll the Powers that I know and those that i don’t, that is those who helped Dr. JPF to survive this weather disaster, I express my gratitude.I pray and i say, to All the Powers to continue to help Dr. JPF to deal with the aftermath of the storm as quickly as possible, and stay save in good health and clear mind.Amen. :pray:


This is true and also applies to the region where I live. I think it is electromagnetic in nature. The air is simply too ionized, under the influence of certain electromagnetic waves, that when someone starts a car in the immediate vicinity of my house, my radio reacts with a crackle in the speaker, which is a sign that the electricity from the activation of the car’s alternator is spreading like electromagnetic wave trough the ionized air and the antenna receives it, directly at a distance from 0 i.e. the source to 200 meters, sometimes even aproximately 250 meters or more, in radius straight trough the air.
Although I think it is possible for such short electromagnetic waves to both directly bypass the antenna of the radio and directly affect the speaker itself when it is connected to DC power. Such as with computer connected small speakers. Most of you must have witnessed a phenomenon where the speakers receive a certain wavelength themselves, that is, you listen to some local radio station, even when computer is not connected on internet,but speakers are connected to DC power from the computer itself.

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     I remember this storm from 1997.  It makes me wonder now if our Fearless Leaders had anything to do with it.  Paranoia will destroy ya.

That sounds very scary. God bless everyone.

It was… My poor Shiloh was a wreck.

Thanks Melodi… people in the states tend to think there are no tornados in Europe or Russia, and they’re mistaken, so glad to hear YOU’RE ok there. The weather is VERY wacky and I’m struggling to find tree service to cut down this dangerous tree, as the whole metropolitan area has downed trees… thank you everyone for your patience!

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Yup… the electrical storm here was off the charts, and that was my first thought, that the atmosphere was highly ionized.


Thanks TSC… it has been a wild year weather wise… normally we’re OUT of the spring crazy weather season by now, but this year it just drags on and on…

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Dear Joseph, I’m so sorry to learn of the havac and danger caused by the weather in your neck of the woods. (Where is it?) If there are ever 100mph winds in my area, my 15th fl apartment would be knocked out. Glass everywhere. I’d have to escape to the stairwell. It’s frightening. Were you covered by any insurance? So good that Shiloh was a good girl through it all, supporting you. Hope you’re back up and running sooner.