This last week I was doing a little research on petroglyphs in conjunction with plasmas - you know, the kind of research I reviewed in my book The Cosmic War, based on some of the observations of plasma physicist Dr. Anthony Peratt, and I ran across this very intriguing story about the petroglyphs near Blythe, California:…


the dirigible/airship mystery getting boosted (in my) twitter chamber lately.

many of the ‘meltology’ peeps go in for it lately.

in the alt world - where do we stand on historical dates being off considerably?

(the melt guys find it all fraudulent from geology itself, from ‘level of destruction’ being used as circular reasoning for ‘older,’ objects out of time stuff - the whole “all mountains aren’t mountains” “it’s all brick melt” “bricks become stone” thing is a bit much - but much of the basic ‘who is making the time estimations and how’ stuff does land for me - carbon dating paired with academic theories seems to make up a large bulk of it - though history/writing SHOULD be of some use to correct in the near term, maybe)

The images I’ve seen (diary of the man found in Houston I believe) all looked different from each other as if they were cobbled together in a steam punk kind of fashion. Not following any kind of standardized design. This to me speaks to survivors of some civilization cataclysm piecing together the remaining functional tech to accomplish flight. Perhaps long ago, perhaps the 19th century ships were made long ago and ‘found’ by adventurers to form the Aero Club. Just a couple of ideas to throw possibilities out on the timeline of the glyphs / air ships.


my assumption is that geoglyphs except sacred symbols represent also marks for astral travelers i.e. so would know where when they are, logic that even in the beginning of the aviation was used in modern times [1][1][1] while in the american indian past due to the vast spiritual use of astral flights I am certain such rock symbols geoglyphs and landmarks most probably were used for safe navigation (territory marking) or potential vortex sites!, I mean those that are familiar eg. with the toltec astral technique would know how quick could be exited with the soul from the body, unlike eastern meditation practices that ask at best for whole day of meditative’trance’excursion on west that was few minutes vibe!, thus logically on west that became widespread spiritual technique used for communication, which asked also for correct navigation in times when it was not easy to guess where one can astray or need to pop up … normally like that could have been messaged all friends what is happening in the area too, and guess even trading could have been secured in similar way … simply dont underestimate the communication knowhow of the past civilizations, just like with smoke signals in short range communication, this kind of geoglyphing would be continental horizontal signaling!

now there are geoglyphs all around the world, so per’se that this was intercontinental practice is bit unbelievable, but never say never, coz maybe other astral divers while flying would get art inspiration and just went later in similar local landscaping, but also I’ll wont exclude an interdimensional communication like in modern times are crop circles that could be imprint of some plasma lets say geoglyph prints coz unlike nowadays the message would need to stay longer so would be intercepted by someone, and eventually the mainstream hypothesis that there are sacred praise to “gods” couldnt be evaded too, yet the same should always be accompanied with some altar or some ceremonial structure, northern circles come to mind [2][2][2] and most speculative idea would be that such geoglyphs would be local energy enhancers, or geospiritual tags, but this kind of logic eventually could hold water if and only if all the similar rockart rockmonograms around the world are taken in account, what would be bit hard to be proven unless is seen in context of some cultural ornamental pattern eg. in bronze age neolith or eneolith along the notion that the spiritual knowhow of the past civilizations was on far greater level, for what indeed there are accounts regards the preflood akkadian sorcery and how that due to cohabitation with fallen angels brought wide cataclysmic reset as punishment!

The most frequent type of geoglyph in the Atacama are geometric forms: circles, concentric circles, circles with dots, rectangles, crosses, arrows, parallel lines, rhomboids; all symbols found in pre-Hispanic ceramics and textiles. One important image is the stepped rhombus, essentially a staircase shape of stacked rhomboids or diamond shapes (such as in the figure). [4]

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Or maybe to say to the people that did have that tech, HEY!! Look here, we survived also?

Some really interesting thoughts. I’ll see your wild speculation and raise the pot one :grinning: Very interesting the thought that these objects are not just sitting on the surface of the earth but are energetically connected to it. I’ve always wondered why a relatively un-wealthy civilization (no elaborate remaining relics) would devote so much energy to moving all those rocks around…then there’s the ‘who was the surveyor?’ question. My wild speculation is this; what if powerful shamanic / extraterrestrial or? entities psychically instructed Gaia (conscious, alive) to form the shapes herself rather than pitiful humans moving rocks around?


I wonder other thing, why all those who practice nowadays the astral obe techniques, at least those who live there, didnt seek and share an answer about!, that would be quickest way to be found out whether glyphs were used for astral marking, just like Nikola Tesla did with and around his inventions!, I derive such logic coz nowadays usually city infrastructure is orienteer, while earlier mids all that nature one can easily get lost, usually like that astral “divers” would meet and talk eg. from two different regions, and logically later would use various horizontal signals so even cant talk to be known what events are at place somewhere among the allies!

interestingly one thing are clan symbols [1] another festive greetings, but weird shapes completely other!, also dont forget that by astral means also aliens (demons-anathema-to-them) are diving in this world, thus again their “gods” were surely lured like that too!

as plasma glyphs on other hand [2-1] whether earth aliens or Man yep it could make lets say such art, by master aether vortices it could be move mountains why not to be made fractal geo art, but in such case symmetries would be extra present, and for sure we would had have know as technique through some pagan mysticism!

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another typo provoked post, so I’ll try to expand this reasoning further, eg. american indians indeed mastered not just the astral flight but also how with the astral body to influence intervene and act in this world!, from experience I’ll say that is doable, what is affirmed by modern day military eg. in case of psi warriors with the remote viewing [1][1][1] tho many are not aware that those who have greater energy indeed can maneuver physical material things in this world with their soul while astral, or with their astral body [2][2][2] now as more and more people due to demon posession are starting to dive in the field, its getting more and more troublesome for agencies to have control over it, thus maybe that is motivation for the recent plandemix sharing of panopticon tags and graphene’oxide cortical’modems through the m’rna jabs, except the rest of transhumanist agendas for chasing divergents or tweaking the superhumanity chase through the man’machine’hype!?

yet coz there are laws in the spiritual world, and Angels that are keeping those laws in place, simply its not easily doable nowadays such feats to be done, especially not manipulation of events that could heavily influence given causality, especially not if in some place there is abundance of Grace, tho those people or communities that are deprived from Grace eg. due to decadence just as demons-anathema-to-them are manipulating their fate so it could astral divers among us!, anyway guess as geoglyph art it wouldnt hurt anyone if someone play with it, yet those that are braking the spiritual laws and wander astral, brake coz if it was allowed such trespassing between the planes it would be Gift given to all Man equally, those among us like that are swayed by power that goes with such will to be above the others, thus are pulled easily towards manipulation exploitation or influence than towards art and fun, yeah go sneak peak whenever You want in the presidential office and dont become spy, surely u’ll be noticed and the local secrete service would lust to put u chain if not else to work for them!, yep even u dont want to misuse such gift “they” could push u to use it for “their” benefit and logically coz not rarely “they” are corrupt to push u in wrong agendas!, but Glory To Our Almighty Lord if one get on feet in Consecrated Orthodox Christian Life in Feat “they” can only molest You and even that to fire back to “them” till “they” dont come to senses, but if You do that that means no more playing astral, tho noone is perfect thus “they” are waiting “their” chance, so dont play with fire [3] coz u may end up easily black [3] … btw sorry for all shear digressing in this post!