The hidden history of the khazarian mafia


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Here is another historical report. Not sure what to think of these theories.

Well, theory anyway. Interesting that he starts out lauding the ability to see two sides to a story and then proceeds down ONE path to his conclusions. There are plenty of modern day stories that coincide with the horror of “CP” and the extraction of adrenachrome but there are plenty of other theories out there, that don’t necessarily jive with the history of exactly how we got here. I read “Clif High” but often find myself rolling my eyes with his conclusions.

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It is important that theories not distract from ground truth.

And what is “ground truth”? Quite frankly, what he does point out accurately, though he doesn’t say it, is finding the truth may just have to be subjective.

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His work on the “KM” is filled with numerous “Anunaki” extraterrestrial beings who indulge in adrenochrome, which is simply absurd. It’s puzzling how anyone can take this seriously when credible scholarship, already damning enough, is available for free. It’s unclear whether High is an agent, a con artist, both, or just an eccentric elderly individual with autism who has consumed excessive amounts of LSD.

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Absurd topics and theories are fun though, but i agree we should separate what we know from what we dont etc.

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Or from what we THINK we know. Trust me, to even entertain the possibility that the earth is flat after taking every science course the university offered, including astronomy, to this? I have come to respect the word “think” over “know”.

As Crrow says: Belief is the enemy of knowing.

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Yeah, something like that…

Hard to know anything for certain, but we have more hard proof for some things then others.

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Well, ColonelZ, that rather explains what is just happening, doesn’t it?!!! :astonished:

I would suggest you check out Billy Carson & Matt LaCroix in the area of the Anunnaki. George Smith was one who started translating some of the Cuneiform Tablets back in the 1800’s,

Its hard and maybe stupid to try to single out a specific group.

There is alot of material of the KM and their history is very interesting.
But they themself where known for being “namestealers”
So maybe even Khazaria just got infiltrated at one point etc.

Consider and test the sources. Exposure to patterns of perpetual lying, obfuscation and changes of identity, profiting from misdirections, flooding, gaslighting, lack of providing open and informed consent, and tag teaming with unwitting substitutes for thinkers leads to self-induced paranoia in perpetrators which causes them to uplevel or down level in sudden shifts upon exposure. This feeds a new paranoia and starves out reflection and ownership of their own part in anything except winning. Messing with your sanity and censoring and slamming those who have the temerity to question them embezzles a community’s capacity for resistance and induces paranoia and groupthink. Study and keep your tootsies off the train track. Have a great weekend.

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