The media’s narrative has shifted


And then it’s on to the next mega grift.

Not counting the WHO treaty; to usurp what’s left of governmental sovereignty, if any.
The DEW and Acts of God terrorizing, destroying, and killing global populations.
Multiple fronts: against liberty, life and property - all over God’s Green Earth.
To name a few.



Yes. The WHO treaty. . .
( I noticed Kerry was there) …
while our own US legislators we’re on their two month vacation. How do you spell mendacity?

I have to say - I loved what my friend used to call the NYT.
“Her Majesty’s Rag.”
I know; it’s not a pretty picture.
But then, the NYT is actually much worse; than what my friend pictured/described it as.

They’re the propaganda conductor; leading the elitist, dumbed-down, ideological media press choir.


Yes…I subscribed to the Sunday Times, and, for years,the Book Review. Ah…Weekend mornings with French Toast and fresh fruit and pots of coffee!

Michael McKibben has done a lot of research on the very conception of the role of the international press in British hegemony, from Milner’s Kindergarten to the present day.

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I also used to follow the NYT book reviews.
Even the idiot economist; Nobel Economic Prize winner, Paul Krugman.
Michael Hudson once started to debate him; Krugman left abruptly, as he was getting publicly filleted.

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Anyone who understands and BELEVES the duality of this government, (the corporation versus the union of states under one Republic), they (aka I) know the treaty with the WHO, UN blah blah is with a bankrupt corporation will soon show how apparent their inability to enforce any of this BS. The worst is that “civilians” are totally unaware and, instead, should be telling their Congress Cretins that the debt has been paid off and we no longer support your tyranny or your silly “treaties”. Simple.

BTW, it IS the corporation that is killing us so why the heck aren’t people saying NO! ? Baaaaa


I think ultimately we are going to see a global operation to take them all down. The UN is now bankrupt, for example, so whatever treaty you think you have with them or their agencies (like the WHO -this was reported yesterday on UNN), it is just a matter of time before the masks LITERALLY come off.


The New York Post is a very good source, and they report on the same stories as the NYT. Epoch Times is really good. Plus, they have loads of features and interviews, but you need a have a paid subscription.


Kerry is paving the way for his daughter who was made special climate envoy director at the WHO recently. The family grift must continue.


Wow if they are bankrupt then that means they could really do some damage. If they have got nothing to loose then they may opt to go out with a bang; release a truly deadly virus, nuclear war or just widespread release of drones, robots and DEWs everywhere. Peter Zelhein made an excellent point in his video today on why Xi might invade Taiwan: to control the narrative of the future, which in this instance is very bleak. Let’s pray we don’t suffer the same fate.


Love the NY Post.
Writers are much better.
Still, like all media - Must be read/viewed/listened with a critical mindset.


@justawhoaman I wish I was that optimistic. As the blinders come off Mom and Pop Ulation, I believe so will the gloves come off the globalists. Actually, I think they already have. Increasing severity and frequency of orchestrated events and circumstances have fully enveloped us here in the U.S.-- borders overrun, rampant inflation, climate-fire-earthquake control, false narratives, manufactured disease-bioweapons, massive debt, wars and rumors of wars, and the list goes on.

We are always playing catch-up. They are well-funded instigators that plan well and far in advance. Yes, they may have divisions in the ranks, made mistakes, run out of money (for now), but they still have technology to bring it all about. The 1962 video of VP Lyndon Johnson predicting that man would one day control the weather encapsulates just how far back they had advanced knowledge and how far ahead was and is their vision. If were indeed organized and somehow manage to present a viable threat, all they need to do is pull out one of the contingency weapons in their hip pocket. War, social upheaval, virus, nuke, earthquake… their arsenal is vast, to include our children.

Please understand I am not promoting an ostrich approach; rather, being a watchman on the wall, educating Mom and Pop everywhere is paramount if we are to thwart, delay or avoid any of this.

They are so good at creating division and leading the opposition–can a global operation even be formed? If yes, I say it must be Divinely inspired. I often wonder if America is modern day Babylon.

Proverbs 21:1, KJV
The king’s heart is in the hand of the Lord, as the rivers of water: he turneth it whithersoever he will

Daniel 2:21, KJV
And he changeth the times and the seasons: he removeth kings, and setteth up kings: he giveth wisdom unto the wise, and knowledge to them that know understanding

Here is a meaningful dialogue that starts to address both our concerns.