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Of course! That’s why collecting different opinions is good.
I still maintain that just because he sounds communist doesn’t make him wrong.

… Am I the only one starting to view Trump as the USAirstrip-1 Gorbachev?

If Rush were still alive I think we might be having regular Trumpgasm Updates.

Not the Rush you meant but first thing that came to my mind…

“Tough times…Demand tough talk, demand tough hearts, DEMAND.”

Limbaugh always used to say that he had “talent on loan from God”, but in the case of Rush
(the Canadian band)… God just let them keep the talent outright!

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… I continually miss Neil. I go through a Rush album at least once a week. Caress of Steel was this weeks choice. I’ve been connected to Rush from their very 1st album. I can highly recommend Geddy’s autobiography and Neil’s Traveling Music and Ghost Rider to every Rush fan.

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You may appreciate Rush more than me…But I’d certainly give you a run for your Big Money!

It’'s a huge topic and way too much to bother everyone with on an unrelated forum but suffice it to say that Rush was probably my all-time favorite “rock band”. The vocal, composition and the LYRICS! The topics that they tackled were not limited to love. Such a broad range!

There may be someone better out there but I’ve not found them yet. I’d be a bit ashamed to admit how many hours I’ve spent with any given album playing in the background. They were
the thinking man’s band, and yes, they’re missed.

Another song that reminds me of Trump’s travels…

“Big money spin big deals
Big money make a mighty head
Big money spin big wheels
Sometimes building ivory towers
Sometimes knocking castles down
Sometimes building you a stairway
Lock you underground”

Incidentally… Jethro Tull took on some sassy subjects as well. Not as refined but i’ve always held them in high regard. The court jesters of the world they are! Social commentary in a pill
that easy to swallow…

I’ll check out Neils autobiography. Thanks for the heads up.

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… Ok, good deal … to segue back to the thread I may try to post a few Trumpgasm Updates in the spirit of Rush Limbaugh’s Gorbasms (not Rush the band).

A “Gorbasm” is fake. A Gorbasm is a phony feeling of bliss and euphoria created by the media. Mikhail Gorbachev was credited by the media, and by many liberals in this country, with preserving the peace … sounding familiar? Everyone feels good that Trump was elected, Trump started no wars (he’s for peace - unless, as we learned today he is thought to have been killed by Iran, then genocide is called for) - , bliss and euphoria created by the media reigned … until Day 1 of the administration. I could be wrong …

Hey… I thought we were segueing back to the topic that I hijacked :slight_smile:

Be still those drums of war…

How about this… Gorbachev’s “tattoo” looks to me like an emaciated South Africa. Discuss :wink:

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