16 insects approved for human consumption - Singapore Leads the Globalist Way To Fine Dining

Just as in the globalist pills for every health problem; with lurid side effects GALORE!
The globalist insect dining comes with parasites, as part and parcel, to this way of eating lifestyle.
Which ties into healthcare; the more insects you eat - the more healthcare you need.
A huge benefit for insect industrialists; is absolutely no regulations, or testing.
The public either trusts you - or starves.
No government of manufacture accountability.
They’re also wanting to feed your pets insects.
The whole family will be equally infested with parasites.
Government/billionaire parasites leading the lemmings to the table will be richer & eating real meat.
The insect endless propaganda, will only be bested in numbers; by the insect progeny themselves.
Endless propaganda for endless insects is an ad nauseum of sustainability.

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