1st Time In 80 Years, US Army Deploys 'Screaming Eagles' 101st Airborne

1st Time In 80 Years, US Army Deploys ‘Screaming Eagles’ 101st Airborne Division Just Miles Away From Ukraine. “Screaming Eagles” light infantry force is trained to arrive on any battlefield within hours and be prepared to engage in combat. The 101st Airborne Division is a modular infantry division of the United States Army that is particularly trained for air assault missions. The U.S. Army’s 101st Airborne is practicing for war with Russia just miles from Ukraine’s border.

Is it time to buy large quantities of toilet paper again? :thinking:


The issue becomes, a division of light infantry, with rotary wing assets in the field, needs a Corps level command to keep them alive in the field. As with all news about the US military, this article stands to show the absolute lack of any kind of knowledge in the American public about military operations. Luckily, the press is designed to lie and bedazzle all things camouflaged to make it seem like a great adventure, a Boy Scout Jamboree, with guns!
All this idiocy about American invincibility, the failings of the Russian military, the heroic stand of the Ukrainians and the steadfast allies in Europe are fantasy. It reminds me of the scene in the original All Quite on the Western Front (I apologize for the movie reference, but books are a receding coastline on a long ocean voyage) when the soldier is listening to the old men in his hometown argue over the best way to defeat the Allied powers and how the Generals should best deploy the Army. Knowing the truth, that the war is all but over, the sickened soldier turns and leaves. The soldier was someone’s son, sibling, possible spouse and parent.
But the policy makers never seem to care.


Nicely worded, exactly what and how it is!
Good remarks, realistic ones, on all important points, regarding the ways of warfare!

I suppose the use of “theatre of war” has multiple silos: staging, props, actors, directors, producers, suppliers, audience, cost…once the run is over, it’s time to gather and do it again.


Right on point!
High school mentality like in the “theater of education”, always between childhood and adulthood, but never adulthood!