2023.9.19 [Hawaii] What is the truth about the Maui fire? About the Governor of Hawaii and Oprah Winfrey [Yukihisa Oikawa -BREAKING-] *Multi-verbal subtitles available*

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Interesting “revelations” continue to surface with the coverup continuing. What DID happen to the children? In a YT video, “Life with Recklezz” discusses the Greg Reese video on the topic and comments that when you look at drone images, you realize that the buses are all missing at the school. You aren’t seeing buses in the melted vehicle images so is this why they won’t allow pictures of the area?


Thanks for posting this!! Is this horrific happening what it takes to wake up The Public??? :face_with_monocle: Exactly what entity is in control of our planet???
People all over the world are praying to the Generic God…so…what are the results of these “prayers”?!! :thinking: