A ban on memes? ... I guess we mustn't use the digital equivalent of calling someone a name

As always “If true” … in order to avoid being “memed” one might try to speak and behave (to include photo ops where one is wearing a not very flattering hat) in ways that wouldn’t provide fodder for memes. Just a suggestion …

Given his position on Covid vaccines … maybe he has “a thing” (Mysophobia) about viruses. Who knew one could be Mysophobic about digital viruses.


I recently heard the proposition that today’s internet memes are the 21st-century digital equivalent of the political pamphlets of three or four centuries ago – an interesting idea. If so, and given that pamphlets played no small role in spreading heterodox political ideas in the past, then it would be little surprise if the powers-that-be today find ways to criminalize internet memes.

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