A Bizarre Skin Disease Is Mysteriously Spreading In The UK

Pox- think dermatitis as in something causing a reaction on the skin. TOXIN

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Just wait 'til they begin selling it as “The latest in dermabrasion” beauty care.

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Isaiah 1:6

“From the sole of the foot even unto the head there is no soundness in it; but wounds, and bruises, and putrifying sores: they have not been closed, neither bound up, neither mollified with ointment.”

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Monkey Pox in TX in 2021

Seems like monkey business is alive and well in the UK. Drink lots of water, take 2000 international monkey units of vitamin D and go out for a walk.

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I have to wonder if old-fashioned Calamine lotion might be helpful.

As my Gran always said, “nothing like a dose of salts to sort you right out”

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Vitamin C doesn’t hurt either, and the “D3” version of vitamin D may be superior to the “D2” version.

Weakened immune systems – from… oh, I don’t know… injections of stuff that plays havoc with them… or constant stress and anxiety – couldn’t possibly be making people susceptible to disease, now could they? No, certainly not.

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At this stage of the game I would say just play it by ear

Agreed. Mine was more a general comment, just about trying to keep one’s immune system strengthened against whatever the latest disease may be.

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No doubt we will be bombarded with health threats galore over the coming months. I am no yoga guru but I recently completed a 5 day water fast and spent a fair bit of time looking into the benefits of autophagy, self eating in so many words. Day 4 was a blast. I am talking next level high definition vision. Might be a good tip for the monkey poxxed.