Not sure if you caught Bishop Beede’s rant during the inaugural prayer service at the Washington National Cathedral however the left-wing rage spewed was embarrassing… to the the president and his family…and she (he, not sure) implied dastardly deeds coming in our futures from the new administration.
I think it’s important those of us who are Trump supporters remind the church that elections matter here.
Dr. Farrell, of course, knows much more about Episcopalian doctrine and I am hoping that he will give an opinion on this recent outrage from the pulpit.
President Trump believes he was saved by God to fulfill a mission for us …perhaps; perhaps not. Yet I believe he and his family deserve respect, at minimum, after everything they’ve been put through in the name of serving the people. Thoughts?
Well, my response, as a former traditional Episcopalian, is this: women cannot be priests or bishops. She is a “bishop” or “episcopette”… the problems with wokery and all of this stem from the Episcopal Church thinking it could modify traditional doctrine by a mere vote, and by raw power. If you look at the details of the national “cathedral”, you might find some traditional Christian elements in it, but you will find as many icons of “progressivism” as well. It’s a temple to syncretism and modernism, and absolutely nothing to do with traditional doctrine.
Or to put it more succinctly, the Episcopal denomination has the name, and all of the form, but none of its older substance. It’s an infiltrated, and coopted, institution. The Church herself is the womb in which the priesthood of Christ is exercised. In the symbolic, “iconographic” way of thinking of the sacramental churches, this means Christ’s direct representatives must be male (and incidentally, “whole”, ie, in possession of all male “parts”). To put a woman in that position is to completely reverse the symbolism; the church becomes the father and God becomes the Mother, and the Mother of God herself just an inconvenient “vehicle”, a concession to the non-trans-gendered culture of the day. Ultimately, the war (as we traditionalists said back then) was against the Monarchy of God the Father (or the Patri-archy, the "Father-Source"ness of God). So this is also connected to all the calls for “gender neutral” translations of the Bible, and eventually, this will reach out to engulf the creed as well. In other words, it’s really about the doctrine of God Himself.
I hope this makes some sort of sense. The reality is you’re dealing with very very different mindsets and ways of thinking. For all those reasons I left the apostate Anglican communion decades ago. I know, those are harsh words. But they have to be said in order to be clear about the point.
Having been inside the Bible Belt Mentality for about 70 years, I came to the conclusion that The Bible has been one of the best tools in The Toolbox of The Controllers…whoever they are!!! It was quite a shock to me when I figured out the “god” of the Old Testament was NOT the Creator of All!!
But then, we have no original writings concerning the Life of Jesus or his teachings, so where does that leave us?! How does one undo centuries of brainwashing?! Just trying to figure out what I have experienced & what I have observed in those around me for these past 80 years!!
Thank you for your post Lorelei8 and Dr. Farrell, I was born into the Episcopal Church and watched with horror as it slowly turned into what it is today. I miss my church and I know that there are still some that adhere to the old ways as much as possible within the church and when presented with that I will worship with them (sometimes you can tell by their bio).
Is the US Anglican Church still traditional?
I sometimes wonder whether some church communities (regardless of denomination) may have evolved into a state of being more political rather than spiritual organizations, and allow themselves to be washed over by the politics of the day, regardless how ridiculous the politics. Conversely, it seems that there are pockets of church communities, here and there, far and wide, (again, regardless of denomination), who are more interested in the spiritual aspect and adhere firmly to those principals. Choosing a church community these days may perhaps have similar challenges to those that we experience when choosing a health practitioner or educational institution – which now seem to excel in the practice of political disease management, the practice of political spirituality management, political education management, etc…
Jim Marrs, in his book “Rule by Secrecy”, talked about how our institutions (including church communities) have been ruled and guided by certain (hidden from view) entities, and he concluded that if one follows one’s inner intution, that it is possible to break free of those yokes and lead creative and meaningful lives. I appreciate when he says on page 408 (paperback): “…we must be wary of leaders who attempt – whether by force, manipulation, or deceit – to move whole populations in directions they may not wish to go and might not be beneficial to all.” and then on page 409: “…feel what’s right within your heart, your soul, your innermost being.”
I have not completely given up hope in humanity, despite these bizarre times, and I do think decency is still to be found in people themselves, even under this evil cloud of who-knows-what-is-going-on. There is much that each of us, as individuals, can do to bring joy and beauty to nourish the lives of others in our communities, whether we do this as part of church communities, or as individuals (who may not yet have found a good fit for a church community and are still seeking).
There are many bodies claiming to be traditional Episcopalian now, but I have not kept up with them. Some are, and some are not, but good luck finding them. You Might try the Province of Christ the King under Archbishop Morrison.
… truth by voting … does one need any more evidence that since the 13th century Nominalism has ruled the day. Nominalist Christianity at its best … for what more could one ask.
ABSOLUTELY NOT . They changed the whole bleeping everything in the Episcopal (Anglican version- we were high mass) Church in the early 1970’s. I didn’t leave the Episcopal Church. It left me.
Put me down for a 100% hearty hear hear on that one!
That is exactly how I felt at the time, too, justawhoaman. We do have such a parish of the province of Christ the King where I live… but sadly these traditional parishes that have nothing to do with ECUSA are few and far between. Occasionally one can find their services on Youtube.
Thank you for the recommendations. I appreciate your insights very much, all…kind of reaffirms that I am not a racist, nor a Nazi, for thinking the Episcopette’s rant out of line. But I guess Bishop Rowe, after yesterday’s revealing homily, can find nothing wrong!
It seems most “churches” that are left are operating more along the lines of a Support Group…that in itself can be found in other organizations that exist. Since we have no original writings from Jesus himself, we have all accepted what the Roman Gov’t gave us in 325 A.D. I found it interesting to read the more complete version of Jesus’ life contained in The Urania Book given to a small group of intellectuals in Chicago during a 15 year period in the1920’s. There again, we have to “take the word” of beings we have no way of checking up on!! No wonder so many “versions” of Christianity have come into existence!! It’s like flavors of ice cream…take your pick!! I guess it all comes down to what one feels most comfortable with as far as a form of worship goes! Snake handling anyone!!!
… BINGO! Morrisville … nothing but support groups and turns out they are not very good ones… Relativism run AMOK! All Relativisms are Nominalisms. I feel X … So what? … and Who Cares?
Jesus was witnessed writing at least once and that is recorded in John 8:6.
Hmmmm. … I wonder what he was writing?
8:6 They were using this question as a trap, in order to have a basis for accusing him.
But Jesus bent down and started to write on the ground with his finger.
Another Percy Quote that at the present I can’t remember what essay it is from … (paraphrase)
“There are currently well over 100 schools of psychotherapy, but no one is getting any better.”
See … Walker Percy’s Symbol & Existence and his collections of essays … Messsage in the Bottle: How Queer Man Is, How Queer Language Is, and What One Has to Do with the Other , Signposts in a Strange Land, and Lost In the Cosmos: The Last Self Help Book.
Love the Percy quote!! Recently heard a more accurate description of who we are & what we are doing here!! Samuel Hofman, who has been following our twin solar system for almost 15 years now calls our planet a Factory Planet. Our “creators” were the demigods, NOT The Creator of All!! If Genesis had been translated correctly, we would have known that!! The word ‘elohim’ is plural, so we were created by “the gods” to do the work they didn’t want to do! The best slave is one who does not even realize he IS a slave!!
(sigh)… Walker Percy… we’ve lost all the great ones. Now all we have are mediocrities and hacks.