Originally published at: https://gizadeathstar.com/2024/10/a-hurricane-helene-round-up/

Tomorrow, folks, barring unforeseen storms, north-to-south tornadoes, solar mass coronal ejections targeting my house, internet outages or other glitches ex machina, I will be giving a small presentation for Walter Bosley’s NYMZA conference. So as I will have to do a bit of preparation for that, I thought that rather than the usual blog for today that…


That Daily Mail article is really something . . . “Safety seekers should head to Vermont, New Hampshire, or Massachusetts”?

Well, sitting here a couple hours’ drive from where Hurricane Milton just made landfall (and having just gotten internet service back), all I can say is: Yes, all ye in Florida who seek safety and could stomach Massachusetts or Vermont these days, by all means, please, move away to safer pastures!

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Im at the event, this is gonna be amazing after last night meet and great/dinner I’m blown away.
I’m already in heaven…

Another level of the “stacked functions” might be the instruments used to modify weather are also taking out the (electric) cars.
There’s lots of stories from the areas hit by the hurricanes/weather of people not getting out due to their cars being dead.
If it is an effect of the weather modifying instruments or they just “turned them off”; who knows. But it seems to fit their plans just fine that people can’t leave.

I also saw an interesting statement from a person who warned people to not accept financial help from the government.
He says the 750$ aid is not aid at all, in any shape, way or form.
it is a loan, and the fine print says the government gets to take your property if you have not paid the loan in 12 months.
This fits perfect with the land grab of Gates and TPTB in their 15 minute cities operations.


Good news! For the future sales of globalized cars; aka, electric cars.
Follow your globalized designated futures - dead in the water.

$750.00 is a loan?
Sure fits the despicable DNA of a globalized governance structure; ruling over an enforced deplorable population - for surely, only an engineered people - would consent, to such globalized governance.

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Sadly yes.

Addendum Oct.15th.

I just saw another tidbit that follows the path of this case.
Wyoming has had a lot of forest fires lately.
There is federal and private land there and all the fires have taken place on the private side. This is between Billings and Cheyenne, on the right side of Bighorn Mountains.
And now you might be super chocked, but there seems to be 2.35 billion metric tons of very rare earth minerals, like Neodymium, used in tech industries.
So there seems to be a swoop up of the values on American soil right now.
90.000 acres burned down at this point.

And there’s a second fire going on simultaneously, The “Pack trail fire” where there’s 77.000 acres burned.
There’s some searchable press releases on this and you can find some material on social media platforms.

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