A little Monday humor

I found humor today. Brought a smile (that I desperately so needed) to my face.


I’m only 1 minute 18 seconds in and LMAO[laughing my arse off!]
It goes on till 3 minutes 22 seconds[back to the video].
Loved it!

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@Sal2lee Excellent, thanks!

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That presentation should be made at every local council meeting. Word for word. Thanks Sal2lee!

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The look on some of the Counsel’s faces…PRICELESS!

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I’m glad you all enjoyed it as much as I did.

Taking a much needed break from this mad mad world.

Or a little Wednesday humor, thanks to Mark Steyn.


missed it with the russian SMO

Okay. Now we are with a bit of Peter Sellers. Call it Thursday Humor.