A newer form of 'Manifest Destiny' emerging

If there has been one truly good thing for me during this ugly two-year pandemic farce it has been the ‘discovery’ of so many worthwhile voices; my ‘alternative media’ content has extended to a lot of new pundits, academics, economists, medical and scientific commentators and more…too many to be named here, but I will say that many of them were discovered through the shared material that comes to our forum every day. One such ‘find’ for me has been Matthew Ehret (or Ehret-Kump as per this article), who I discovered via The Rising Tide Foundation and it’s presentations on history, philosophy and politics. Matthew in some ways reminds me of Dr Farrell in that he is a strong academic-style researcher, with a broad approach to areas of knowledge, and I find all of his work worth looking at. This article is a commentary on contemporary geopolitics and gives an excellent (IMO) perspective on the potential for Russian/Chinese ‘manifest destiny’ ideas to contribute something truly positive to global development. The current belligerence of the tired old Anglo/US ruling cabal and it’s military wing can be seen against the backdrop of what is a serious and growing opposition to the globalist transhumanist plans on offer from Shwab, Gates, Wall St et al. Recommended reading IMO :slight_smile: