A nice evening of organ music

…playing some of my faves of JS Bach, Mozart, Mendelssohn (Felix not Fanny), and Widor (of course), and even a little Vierne. I guess that question during vidchat of who the composers were behind the video with Catherine (and above Bruno) planted the idea in my mind. It’s been a loud evening but I had to do something as someone also mentioned Taylor what’s-her-name in the vidchat, and once that horrid idea was planted in my mind, it required some serious musical exorcisms. Accordingly, In order to expunge the deleterious and utterly one dimensional and shallow influences still lingering, I’m next off to listen to some REO Speedwagon, some Duran Duran, and some ABBA, as a reminder of how truly bad things have now become under the current advocacy of Taylor What’s-her-name

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