A Real Walter Cronkite, Telling It like It Is

When JFK was assassinated the CIA media controlled the narrative
with presstitutes like Walter Cronkite, “telling it like it is”[reading the CIA script].

This is Paul Craig Roberts that is telling it: straight up. Its his take. No jive.
“Globalization is stupid! And, of course - entirely destructive.” 41:00 clicks in.
“Idiots at every level!” [describing USSA bureaucracy] 48:20 clicks in


CBS News Walter Cronkite Reveals One World Sovereign Law Globalist Agenda

Walter Cronkite was a globalist.


Most definitely!
Well-heeled and paid-in-full!

Listened to under a minute and…
I admit, I was getting way too sick to listen further.
To think people trusted this…
Hard to describe such a creature.

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The way he used to end his broadcasts, “And that’s the way it is” reminded me of a parent’s authority when children were not allowed to question adults.


Trump wrote a book called ‘The Art of the Deal’. So, what does Trump need from the Mexicans? Help with taking over the Panama Canal, and then Mexico gets a better tariff deal.


China has been helping to build a Superhighway from the areas near to the Panama Canal and then northward to America’s southern borders. The highways are capable of hauling heavy loads. The ‘operation’ was designed to target the USA with mass migration of people hostile to most of the values Americans hold to be true and dear. We have already witnessed some of that.

That is not the only operation going on, but it is an important one. All this appears to be designed since it could also be intent on restricting the movement of vital supplies into America, and of course America no longer really, truly, actually ‘grows or produces’ much of what we eat, and consume.


He might be interested in the ‘new’ Mexico version of the Panama canal. Similar to the ‘new’ Gaza shipping canal. Now THERE’s some real estate development!