Hi, this is just a( longish) Twatter feed from Alexandra Bruce on the current & upcoming situation( WARNING! Language!).
What I find interesting, amongst other things, fascinating even, are these quotes: “And what is behind him[ Putin] is not of this world.” and “The entity involved in all of this is at a far higher level of power…” .
Now I would actually tend to concur with her analysis.
But speculation is opened here as to what the “Entity” is.
Could it be the so-called Pleiadians/ Pleiades Confederation? Would it turn out to be The Andromedan Council? Might it be the Archangel Michael?? Who, or even What, is this???
ForbiddenKnowledgeTV.net on Twitter: “BigDickAnonsCIAFren is Back! The Biden crime family is in trouble. Not only have the Russians located the Biden Files maintained by the Ukrainian Secret Service, the pictures are so depraved. Hunter can do things that are simply astounding… https://archive.4plebs.org/pol/thread/367760514/#367762991” / Twitter https://mobile.twitter.com/chicabruce/status/1504966110222946307?cxt=HHwWhsC47YOt2-IpAAAA