A strange game. The only winning move is not to play.How about a nice game of chess?


Global standard…NATO versus Russia…

Tactical then global…

City level…

…or one can play it if he wants…instead nice game of chess.


and then there are these…

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I’ll play my Millennium Chess Computer! Thanks for the sobering news!

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I’m glad if I have been of help in connection with sobering up! :slightly_smiling_face:

But one should perhaps ask how far things have come in relation to the development of such weapons?
In the following video, the Great Pyramid of Giza is also mentioned, for some reason? :thinking:

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response to 1st video:

This doesn’t make any sense. Does each side only have 1 launch crew? There should be a massive counter-force launch when things kick off for real. Perhaps counter-value thrown in after that, or at the same time.

Post-war radiation is silliness. Studies show radiation quickly fades, with almost none from air bursts. There have been close to 2500 nukes set off already, with little effect. We’ve nuked Nevada over 1000 times, yet it is still there and livable. Many of the mushroom clouds were visible from Las Vegas.

Nuclear winter has largely been disproven. Look it up.

The real worry should be that civilization can be ended easily, even with conventional warheads. Target the 500 biggest electrical generators in America, we cease to exist as a nation. Probably similar for China, less for Russia. Wreck refineries and port facilities for good measure.


I’m no expert about this but I think that depends on the kind of bomb, have heard some are more radioactive then others.

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The goal in chess is to get the king.