"A war by any other proxy would smell as sweet" (with apologies to Shakespeare - who ever he was

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Will we even hear about a Russian retaliation assuming there is one? I thought with all of their intelligence capabilities, they would have ‘cut this off at the pockets’ sooner.

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I have no idea, but is Challenger 2 another military asset that’s in overstock and needs an excuse to be liquidated and replaced? (What’s the point in military manufacturing if you can’t get new government contracts?)

“Euromaidan Press” . . . looks like an outlet to keep Ukrainians believing the West is really going to save them, assuming anybody in that godforsaken country still believes that.

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… ALL “news” as is, is to be taken ALWAYS with the caveat “If true …” Humor is very often possible if one allows every premise posited to be taken as True. After all, we are expected to baaahhh-lieve every item presented by the “News” as “news” and to baaahhh-lieve that it is in fact “news” and that it is True. In addition, we are to baaahhh-lieve that any and all “argument(s)” and or “fact(s)” offered /given as “evidence” in support of the argument are True regardless of their ability to be proved True or their fallaciousness and lack of validity and or soundness.

Hence … the Reductio (of sorts) argument (of sorts) with the given as True premisses.

P1: It is reported that the US funneled 3.9B USD though a number of entities ultimately ending up in the World Bank to be laun… er… ah… “placed on pallets and HERRKA stretch wrapped” and airlift*… er … ah … “loaned?” to Ukraine so that the US could somehow claim that it is not sending additional direct aid to Ukraine.

P2: It is reported that the Navy can no longer maintain an adequate supply of pants for its members. Obviously, since money was sent by the US destined for Ukraine via The World Bank at approximately the same time that it is reported that the Navy was out of pants, the money sent to the World Bank were the funds that should have been used to acquire the lower portions of their uniforms.

Conclusion: Indirect funding of Ukraine by the US results in no pants for the Navy.

12B shrink wrapped dollars disappeared in Iraq* see How the US sent $12bn in cash to Iraq. And watched it vanish | World news | The Guardian

So how easy reasoning can be …

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… I have long ago given up on so-called “states” acting as they should. … and since they are not acting as they should what might that be telling us?

“baaahhh-lieve”. So apt in today’s world. Absolutely love it! :grin: