About That Debate

Upon further reflection it’s pretty clear that the collective faces of the general public are being urinated in. The one guy is being dragged through the courts due to salacious behavior while the other guys cognitive disabilities are being put on full display for everyone to see. We’re being openly mocked.

I live in a town that has some rich, powerful people living in it including a guy who represents the powerful Israeli lobby who routinely receives visits from those that sit atop the government. The last time it was Biden himself. A 65 year old man who would take his disabled son to church every Sunday was paid a visit by the FBI/SS during that visit for posting inflammatory material. They shot him up and left his body on the sidewalk for 4 hours so everyone could get a look. Anyway yesterday our town got shut down because of a visit by Michelle Obama to this same guy, not her first visit. The timing can hardly be ignored, I’m sure it was a reassurance of who’s still in control after the previous nights debacle.


Very interesting!! ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ :dizzy_face: