… Good thought there Justa!
Follow the fires on a map and add them to the Paradise and other previous fires. Bingo.
Recipe for for Civil Arson Forfeiture:
Staff high offices “liberally” with Fruits and Nuts.
Apply large quantities of water entirely outside the batter then drain directly in to the ocean.
Spread hallucinogenic “mandrake” throughout the area to promote vagrancy and ward off
the insurance pests.
Allow mixture to dry for several months, being careful not do any clean-up whatsoever.
Preheat the oven using a combination of homeless pyromaniacs, unregistered microwave
magnetrons (properly positioned to avoid detection), and smart meters for proper ignition.
Let homestead pie cook at 451 degrees for several days or until you can no longer put a
fork, or stake a claim in it.
For best results, leave everything unattended and out in the wind. If possible, salt the field
then leave the country till everything airs out…
Sounds like Appalachians in NC and TN. Need boots on the ground to know what is not happening for all those people still living in tents…