Absense of Spirit

Question to the floor. Normally Christmas has a typical feeling to it, a Christmas spirit feeling if you will. A quality time with family and or others, one feels close to. It is totally absent. This whole time period feels like any other ordinary day, even a normal working day.

Am I alone in this? This doesn’t feel like how Christmas should feel? A absense of connectness that is normally very strong this time of year.


Not just you, this year is no good no ordinary birthday for Christ today.

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Uncertainity. People are uncertain. There was a lot of folks at church last night when I attended Christmas Eve service.


This was true also of church service went to yesterday, had never seen that church so full way more people then usually ever go to that church (this is a Calvary Chapel “new age” church place). Didn’t stay for service because was too many people.


Christmas Spirit is there. I find it in everything but Spirit is different for everyone. If I am still and look within I find the light radiating out from me to sense the grace of God all around.


Thru prayer I still feel my heart connected to Christ within and feel his grace, just not the extra Christmas connection that is there amongst the people. That magic is gone. That something special that can stop wars for a few days, it isn’t there!


It is very difficult to bridge the gap which has come over the world in the last 8 years within families, friends, and in and amongst countries. It may take years to once again feel the unifying Spirit of Christmas.

In the now and in the mean time, I wish true joy, love and light to all here.

Merry and Blessed Christmas to you all!


Seems “the players” have done their best over the last few years to extinguish or alter the goodwill of being human among the human race. The trick is not to let them succeed in the psyop…keep the faith.


Nero, I wish I could bring some fresh baked cookies over and sit and talk about the beautiful things in our life… I’m sending you lots of love, uplifting light spread around you and a peacefulness in your heart that you can feel!


Neru I know what you mean.


Neru, this is an important question, even one I think about post Christmas.

In our city, Christmas had mixed colours this year – many people made some effort, despite the globalist technocrats’ efforts to snuff out the traditional spirit. And the awful wars, with the disquiet we all feel over that, plus the population control measures worldwide, don’t do much to dispel the glood we feel in our hearts.

We went to some Christmas performances, and noticed that the traditional decorating was minimal, stark, and cheap - not like in past years. People told us that kids were encouraged not to say “Merry Christmas” at school. And perhaps because of that, we were often greeted by “Happy Holidays” even by longtime friends.

And yet. And yet…

One friend, decorated her home to the hilt, and invited us there and we were overwhelmed with her good spirit, and the spirit conveyed by the beauty in her decorations. Other friends, musicians, performed beautiful Christmas pieces. Pointsettias were exchanged. We invited friends as well (although neither of us is good at decorating – I’m one who loves to be in the kitchen and my husband loves to be outside in the garden). (And, we did enjoy an Andre Rieu Christmas concert DVD during the holidays!)

So, it seemed like there were two things going on: those who steer the “outside culture” do seem to be busy at work trying to snuff out Christmas spirit, and anyone tethered to their communication streams is going to feel this grey tone settling about. And then, there is the “inner spirit” in our hearts, things we do ourselves, little things with family and friends and even strangers – anything little thing we can do to bring any kind of cheer to others in these very dark times – and carry that beyond Christmas. Alongside the quest to burst through all the illusions that are spun about us, and the grey-toned culture that is being imposed upon us.

We hope you managed to have a good Christmas holiday, despite the grey tones, and are set to grace the new year with courage and strength and friendship.


Hi sunnyboy, I agree what is in your heart you project. So yes, that people with good hearts do the extra effort in doing just that, especially in these trying times, is good and very much needed. I just wanted to know if others also felt the neutral vibes overriding what normaly is present at Christmas time. I just wanted feedback. I gave my little abode its own Christmas decoration and vibe. I very much agree with Joseph in upholding culture.

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Can’t tell - it never does or ever did feel like Christmas in New Zealand.

In USA it is just one day. In most of European countries it starts at down on 24th of December and continues till 26th of December and then of course on the 6th of January feast of Epiphany.
Yes, in secularized Europe.