Achetypal Venus Retrograde

I know its a little full on (sorry), but the timing of what Im sharing is pushing me to go ahead with it right now. I hope you all find it interesting. . .

Venus turned Retrograde on December 19th. This only happens once every 18 months, at 144 degree intervals, carving a 5 pointed star. Every time this happens, by virtue of harmonic resonance, every point of the 5 pointed star is fired up, and a pentagram is energetically created around Earth. As the evening star, Venus is male, the pentagram is upside down, and not positive in influence. It lasts for 40 days (ring any bells?). Its a very powerful point in the Venus 8 year cycle. Last time this happened, when it was in Gemini, 18 months ago, George Floyd died on the streets (<Gemini) in the USA. That event still reverberates. . .

In times past, during Venus retrograde, the Mayans would sacrifice virgins to volcanoes. Send armies marching into battle. Initiate boys to men, and girls to women. So we’re not dealing with warm fluffy times at the beach during sunset here. This is powerful.

When Venus turns retrograde this time (December 19th), he (Venus is androgynous) is immediately conjunct Pluto in Capricorn @25 degrees. The beginning of any cycle is like a seed, and the celestial situation colors the whole of the cycle. So Pluto being only one degree from the Venus when it turns retrograde, creates a massive contextual difference.

With powerful Pluto in the mix, this is, in its current crazy global context, rabid obsession and narrow minded Gov and Corp authority & powerful self importance, heavy corruption, huge money and assets, that in many instances(Gov), the masses actually own. Its also highly sexualised energy. And its all on the table to be exposed, right now.

To add to this usually average Venus cycle (in the eyes of Mr Normal), The USA is experiencing a (five year long) Pluto Return (with about 15 months to go). That happens when Pluto comes back to the point it was when the USA was “born” - 248 years ago. Certainly relative to a country, this is as powerful, big and deep as it gets. The USA is dying (metaphorically speaking) to “who she previously was”, and is ideally being reborn out of the ashes, as a “Glorious Phoenix”. Pluto is raw power, volcanoes, earthquakes, life/death etc, but is ultimately. . . Transformation and Self Mastery. That’s what is being asked of the USA. We shall see.

This Venus cycle will color what remains of the USA Pluto return somewhat. We wont know how till the Venus cycle is finished at the end of January 2022. Even then, that will be open to interpretation. But it will color what remains, in some manner.

You can see Venus in the evening sky right now… as far away from the Sun as it can get during this cycle…and very bright and beautiful as a result. But in this phase of the cycle, Venus is “announcing the looming darkness” of the night, to come. As the morning star, she “announces the dawning of a new sunny day”. Totally different story flow and direction. These points matter, as far as symbolism is concerned.

So while Venus is up there showing off all his apparent celestial beauty in the evening star phase, it goes to his head, and he gets very egotistical. As if he’s the source of the Light itself. Its “false light”, because he’s actually reflecting light from the Sun, obviously. But he drinks, and gets drunk on his perceived power, and “mates with the Earth”, creating the 7 deadly sins. (think about the current Gov and Corps rabid behavior)

Naturally, the Sun (father) is not happy about it. And when Venus joins with the Sun again, on (and just before) January 10th, Venus cops a brutal hiding for being an absolute moron. That is when Venus will not be visible to us. This is when a major “event” will likely unfold somewhere on Earth. Once again, think about the Govs and Corps right now, and over the last several decades as they developed their power, hubris and corruption. They’re out of control with their perceived power and authority, and capacity to rule and control everyone and everything on Earth, especially right now. Like Venus as the evening star: They’re delusional. As if things are crazy enough right now, this cycle is likely to see things get even crazier. “They” are likely to soon cross a serious line that will trigger another level of resistance (from “our side”) that none of us saw coming. “Their” craziness could likely meet with equal craziness.

Venus cycles the full 360 degrees/5 points over 8 years. So it was retrograde in Capricorn 8 years ago. This is the last time it will be retrograde in Capricorn while Pluto is also in Capricorn, for another 248 years. Venus was nowhere near Pluto last time this happened, eight years ago, though. So the last Venus retro cycle did not have this degree of power flowing with it. This is a very uncommon and unusual event. It’s a very powerful juncture in a massive (Pluto) cycle, within another even more massive cycle of the whole planet very slowly turning into the Aquarian age of “technology and people power.”

The Jan 10th event is very likely to be one that will reverberate all over the planet. Capricorn is Governments and Corporations, so this Venus cycle is focused specifically on those entities. But adding Pluto to the mix invites another more powerful level of celestial influence. One that could expose and shake up the current twisted Gov/Corp corrupted paradigm quite significantly.

The morning star will rise about January 14th. Venus is then female again, and the pentagram is returned to its upright position. Venus will turn direct again on Jan 29th. At this point its not easy to make any predictions about whats to follow the Venus cycle. It all depends on how we as a global collective respond to the energy, and then how we interpret the events that unfold.

Ultimately, Venus Retrograde is where we collectively turn within to discover and determine our “Self Worth”. Do we derive that from “them” (outside), or from within, based on our own appreciation of personal “Value” . . . that comes from our talents, abilities and what we add to our societies?

From all that we then determine our “Priorities” with the good of all, taken into consideration. the powers that be have essentially manipulated us to believe we are only of “Value” relative to what they can extract from us. In the current context, it seems we take the jab and be of value, or we don’t, and we are zero, or “non-citizens”.

Many people reading this will possibly be feeling these issues rising from deep within. Many of you are in the USA, and are also directly experiencing the USA “Pluto Return” - and seeing your country apparently dying from within. A Pluto Return is about as powerful as it can get. But keep in mind, a “death” precedes a birth into, ideally, a more expansive situation. Because the USA Pluto is in Capricorn, it is the global super power. Nothing can ever take that from the USA. For another country to replace that status, it would have to have been “born” with Pluto in Capricorn. And there’s not another country on this planet that has that placement.

As a result of all that, the whole planet is experiencing the USA Pluto Return > its central to our global family. Its similar to being our “Guiding Light”, or “Boss”. That can have devastating consequences of course, if that power is abused, and it HAS been abused in the past - but this is where that power becomes tempered, and brought into line with a Higher (cosmic) purpose. We have about 18 months left of this Pluto Cycle, and this Retrograde Venus cycle will end on January 29th.

I hope all that’s not too “far out” for you all. . . Ive been studying people and planets for over 30 years. I can assure you, the planets have a very powerful influence over all our lives. They are our celestial neighbors. Many would say, our “celestial family”.

Merry Christmas to one and all. May 2022 be a revealing and clarifying time that brings about massive changes required for the benefit of all countries and peoples.



Yes, I’ve heard of the orbit of Venus being the five pointed star. There are many connections with Venus and the age of Aquarius as well. I was planning on bringing some of this stuff up in a vidchat submission.

Good post, and welcome Buai!


Welcome Buai.
If I’m not mistaken, doesn’t Pluto energy also involve nuclear power?
The military is certainly aware of the symbolism - see “Project Pluto” - and also “Operation Pluto”.
I guess we’ll see how this all plays out.

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And when its retrograde, ALL the points on the pentagram fire up by virtue of harmonic resonance. So we are currently swimming in that energy - all of us. Im no magician, but Ive read enough to know that that energy has some power under it. Ie, I believe its either “Initiatory” or “Protective” . . . from nasty stuff.

When we’re in the evening star phase of the cycle, like we are right now, the pentagram is upside down, and Venus is off his tree on power. . . We are being “negatively” affected (“pushed to look within for clarity”, I would term it) by that energy, but we are also about to be shown (soon) the darker elements connected & contained within the power (Pluto in Cap) that has been used and abused for a very long time.

For many people, who refuse to see the bleeding obvious, this is going to be very hard to tolerate. Its not possible to remain asleep forever. Eventually, we all wake up; and when the alarm bells are ringing THIS unbelievably loudly, either we wake up, or we get killed in the (psychological) stampede to freedom.

So its a 2 edged sword. For us, the pentagram simply facilitates the flow of negative energies, so we can see clearly what we already seriously suspected. For others. . . its a recipe for a nightmare to unfold. And Im darn sure, many of “the sleepers” will metaphorically point at the pentagram and scream blue murder at it for being so horrible to them.

Im not aware of Venus’ connection to the Aquarian vibration. Its ruled by both Uranus and Saturn. Beyond that, Im afraid Im ignorant. Please enlighten me Spacespeare - Im all ears mate :slight_smile:

But . . . very interesting you should mention that element in my previous rave; because right now, Saturn is in Aquarius, and its been square (90 degrees< not happy) to Uranus in Taurus, for over a year(!). Indeed, its those two that have been mainly responsible for the current global mess we have regarding the needed battles between “Authorities”(Saturn), and “Groups of like-minded individuals”(Uranus & Aquarius).

Ironically, Saturn (authorities) is sitting directly (and only) in the energy of Aquarius, that rules massive groups of like-minded people. Not a strong position to be in when your pushing “the massive group” to abide by your authoritarian demands. Add to that, that Saturn is also being challenged and warned off by the outer planet Uranus that RULES Aquarius < like an ambassador/representative for Aquarius. Uranus has more cred and weight because it orbits outside of Saturns orbit. Saturn is slow, solid and stable(old man time), for sure. But Uranus has lightening speed and profound intelligence. It literally rules lightening and the intellect/intelligence that holds that coherent Light together. The two wiggly lines/waves that are the Aquarian symbol arent waves of water - its an Air Sign. Those are waves of Electricity.

Saturn rules Bones, and Structure; like bodies and buildings. It describes boundaries, and it maintains those, like a guard walking them nightly. It rules duration of time relative to the material plane. But Uranus rules rhythm of time, into the future & eternity. We are not dealing with the same quality or degree of permanency or relative power. So Saturn can scream and demand respect & obedience all it likes - thats what it does best. However, one lightening strike from Uranus, and its all over for Saturn.

In view of the cosmic big picture - its a joke and Saturn seriously doesn’t have a prayer. Its calling our global bluff, and I believe its about to be seen for what it truly is; warts and all.

The other interesting thing with all that is; Saturn rules Capricorn, and the USA Pluto is in Capricorn, and that is currently returning to the natal position. Transiting Retrograde Venus is also currently sitting right on that Pluto. All that is an incredible mess of twisted power and corruption. So what Saturn is directly, and pretty openly doing, is the bidding of the corrupt oligarchs (Pluto in Capricorn), without any apparent concern for how unbelievably obvious it all is the whole world - in effect, doing all that finger wagging whilst standing naked in a full stadium of crazed freedom lovers who will not be intimidated by anyone (Aquarius), with (Uranian) Lazer snipers (lightening rods) red dots sprayed all over their naked bodies.

What are their chances of success? I would say its pretty darn slim - in fact its almost laughable. But “they” have used anything and everything to dumb us all down (Neptune) for so long, many cant (refuse) see clearly anymore. It seems many people are obviously more asleep at the wheel than many of us were really aware of. “They” are counting on us not being able to wake them up in time. But the Universe itself will wake them up, and it will wake the dark ones up at the same time. . . I think.

The dark ones don’t seem to realize that this mess they are creating for us, is THEIR mess. They are responsible for it, not us. Also, “what they do to others, they do to themselves”, ultimately. Its cosmic lore. No matter how much money and apparent power they have at their disposal. That’s why I believe they are so incredibly dumb and unwise. Its also why they will soon totally eat themselves alive. Its what they do. They destroy life for profit. So they will ultimately also be food for profit - ours. But what we consider “profit”, is merely a store of relative “value”, and what we value most, is freedom.

And after their last breath, “they” will be faced with having to live out the plans/world they had for us…and the pain they inflicted on millions to get it done.
Very arrogant & silly people. Their two dimensional lives of money and control are so very shallow and unfulfilling. How incredibly sad.


It does indeed - Ultimately, thats the very thing that the USA has used to derive its power. Without that, it would have been very difficult for the USA to behave the authoritarian way it has over the years. The issue is, its not healthy for any country or person to exclusively possess that much power. It gets distorted, as we’ve seen many times over the centuries.

Many countries are now nuclear armed, obviously, and that changes the military chessboard quite considerably. But the USA has other ways of portraying “power” that maintain its status as the Global Super Power - all of them reflective of Pluto power, in some fashion. Plutos’ key-phrase is, “the unconscious motivation of a generation”. I agree with that a lot. In fact, I determine generations by virtue of the signs Pluto is in. It takes about 15+ years for it to transit a sign (sometimes more because its orbit is not circular - so its faster in some signs), and we can see for instance, its placement in Leo during the 40’s and most of the 50’s, whereby those powerfully creative kids from the 40’s hit their 20’s & took the 60’s by storm through a style of music that nobody had ever heard before, and that changed us forever as a direct result. Now that that generation are slowly leaving us, we can see the profound shift in the style and quality of current music.

The darker side of Pluto (<sexual energy) in Leo (<kids) is obvious if you read those previous few words with logical thought. And its slowly come out that a few of our musical “heros” from the 60’s were indeed themselves inclined towards “inappropriate relations with kids”. Thats the power of Pluto in a sign, and its effect on a whole generation. Its interesting that the next sign after Leo, is Virgo . . . the sign of healing, and the healer. See how those compliment each other, relative to what I just shared?

Anyway, back to the USA Pluto - the USA power is now also derived from other more hidden elements (rules volcanoes and earthquakes < cant be seen till its on top of you, but can bee felt and sensed a mile away), and many psychological ways it can manipulate energy and people to extract power. The USA Pluto is opposite Mercury in its natal chart. Mercury is thinking, communicating, the nervous system and by extension “the streets” < they connect our communities, like our nervous systems connect our various organs to the brain. Same same. The opposition of Mercury to Pluto creates a dark and very suspicious character who is not open or clear in negotiation or simple communication. A depressive and sometimes suicidal quality about it.

In a human, its almost always very manipulative because they live in paranoid fear of appearing stupid and therefore vulnerable to psychological attack. Very often they are the village “know-all”, who actually knows very little. They talk too much when they should stay quiet, and they stay silent when they should be speaking up. They keep many secrets and have zillions of twisted skeletons in the closet. A total narcissistic disaster of a person. . . and its all around fear and paranoia. Many are brilliant at times, but only after they hobble some pretty dark life paths. The energy of Pluto drives the Mercury into a state of “going deeper”. If the person has nothing in their life to grab and focus their mental energy, Pluto will take that energy and rub its nose in anything dark and powerful - usually resulting in chronic and acute depression of the suicidal kind. All they need is something to mentally obsess over, and they are like pigs in poo. Lapping it all up.

Imagine that in a country?! Now imagine that country in seriously deep therapy whereby it has almost zero choice but to own its BS, get real, and move past the psychosis!! That’s exactly where the USA now is.

Its time for it to tackle its obsessive need to accumulate obscene amounts of money (< seen as wow “power”). It has a Venus/Jupiter conjunction! It never needs to obsess or concern itself over money. Jupiter with Venus reflects more money, talent and assets than ANY country could ever posses AND spend! Its incredible “Value and Worth”, period. Nothing can come even close to it. So the USA can drop the concern over wealth etc. That’s seriously laughable. . .

But those other Pluto/Mercury issues are dire for a country, and they are not going anywhere. The USA is a psychotic cot-case of a country because of them, and it doesnt really need to be that way. The only thing that can “somewhat destroy” the USA, is via the psychosis of those “in power”, who are continually psychologically manipulating the masses to assuage their obsessive fear of losing the control they really dont have, and never did have. Thankfully. “They” are always 1 degree away from completely losing their noodles. Not that that matters. Who really does have any control of anything, or anyone? Really. The USA is really very stable (the Capricorn part of it) in its structural essence, its only its inner mental psychosis (the Pluto op Mercury part) that is problematic for it, and that, in reality, could never totally destroy it.

Like a full blown psychopath; he could be seriously messed up inside . . . but its others who are most at risk. He could drink or do drugs to excess. But to die from that would be quite rare. What he needs is therapy and healing - and that begins with owning the problems. In fact some would say, owning the issues is “half way there”.

The next 18 months or so (thats giving it lots of wiggle room), is when the patient either owns it all and makes profound progress, or the they take more pills to once again try to calm it down. I cant imagine that would be a great solution, though. This is a rare opportunity to get past all of it, and evolve the energy UP, not along, till later.

Indeed, we shall see. Incredible time to be alive. Not many ever experience a country with this degree of power, shifting its essential and fundamental core identity and purpose. Only ever happens every 248 years. Time for all countries to own their own power, and the responsibility that comes with that. That would be the result of the USA “healing its psychosis and obsession around gaining more and more power”. It has more than plenty, and it can never be knocked off of the title of “Super Power”. Its just not possible. It needs to get over it.


My knowledge of astrology is not at all extensive, and is limited to planets, signs, angles, a rudimentary grasp of transits, and how it all explains and relates to the cycles of life. Therefore, the pentagram discussion, while new to me, is interesting.
As in everything, the zodiac symbols can be positive or negative, depending on how on how the energies are used. I’ve always thought it interesting that the USA has Sagittarius rising, which can positively project as magnanimous, (outwardly), but conversely, can negatively manifest as a pompous, overinflated sense of arrogance, entitlement, and importance. Sound familiar?
As Pluto completes its natal return in the next few years, it will not only be interesting to see how the old-world order is transformed, it should, indeed, be even more interesting to see how it manifests with its transit through Aquarius!


Thanks for the analysis.

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Welcome Buai! Very interesting; we shall see how the events play out. I did not know that Venus was androgynous at any time; always thought Venus strictly female.


Thanks very much for your comments (and your warm welcome:) dixi - I agree with almost all of what you’ve said.

NB - I honestly didnt plan on “raving” so much. But these topics are fascinating to me, and you intelligent people seem to open minded enough that I feel comfortable to expand - I have Jupiter/Saturn on my MC, in Cap & Aquarius (top of my chart), so I fall easily into raving philosophically. . .

Im also very interested in the Pentagram element in all this. It has a very “magical” quality to it. I was born with it as a retrograde morning star, and it has definitely had very focused effects on my own life. Ive lived an unusual path. So I find this Venus cycle very interesting, generally.

Indeed, there are no good or bad elements in Astrology. Its up to us to choose how we understand the energy and then approach it. And that occurs as a direct result of how well we know and understand our Selves. Its a mirror. As Above, So Below . . . or “As Outside, So Within”. Same thing. Apparent complimentary opposites, like dark and light, up and down, in and out etc. Notice how the darker it is, the brighter a light appears. All relative according to our perception, which is based on our beliefs and accepted understanding ie, choices. It appears to me that our world is populated with “things we merely collectively agree on”.

I would very interested in what Dr JPF thinks about these points. Ive been a meditator for 35+ years, and I grew up in Papua New Guinea in the 70’s; which is still a very “grounded & stable 3rd world country”, with over 750 different languages and cultures. Ive spent a lot of time hanging out in jungle villages with tribal people in my teens, so my POV isnt straight up western, by any stretch . . . Ive spent time in the amazon too, and I would say that PNG is more tribally authentic to its original “cultures” than many of the Amazonian tribes are. Many of them were destroyed or twisted up by big greedy and ruthless Corporations. So sad to see.

I used to freak myself out many (30) years ago, by continually looking at the quick moving Mars transits (every 6 months - for 2 weeks, it challenges every single planet in our charts) against my Pluto. Those two are seriously harsh to tolerate in 4th harmonic connections (o - 90 - 180 degrees). Naturally, it would always be 2 weeks of created (by me) hell. But over the years, I came to realize that my own attitude to the energy shifted the way it unfolded (like a scientists state of consciousness affecting the results of an experiment), and these days, it (mostly) barely touches me at all. I simply let go of fearfully feeling the need to control elements of my currently(then) dying life. With those two planets “at war” for 2 weeks; aspects of life literally end, or sometimes “die”. So it feels like a brutal NDE sometimes. But thats because we are falsely associating ourselves with “it” in order to own and project personal power. But that is not our true Self. So it needs to go.

If we bull-headedly refuse to learn our lessons and correct our ways, though, so we can get back to a smooth journey, then we will continue to cop the sharp end of the stick. Many would consider the harsher aspects that create those “opportunities to learn and grow” as “bad aspects” . . . but they’re obviously not. We are simply very often, “belligerent & ignorant participants” in our own unfolding evolutionary spiritual growth. “God” being removed from our lives, by TPTB, is a massive element of that I believe. And one that is of their conniving, wilful and conscious design. They’re evil obsessions will be their downfall, thankfully. Knowing or understanding/accepting “God/Spirit/The Lord/Essence/Source/Jesus etc” is a seriously nourishing part of our lives, and without it - well, we can see what unfolds, unfortunately.

A Sagittarius Ascendant is always naturally happy and positive. Smiling and helpful, in demeanor. . . Even if its feeling other negative things inside. To me, the sometimes perceived “USA arrogance” isnt from the Sag ASC. That sign is an almost exclusively positive and/or neutral element - Its a fire sign, but unlike the haughty & arrogant “Solar Fire” sign Leo, and the “Electric Fire” of Aries - Sag fire is “Fire by Friction” ie, the fire of the open debate and expansion of ideas. Its the perennial philosopher. So its a very positive fire element, almost exclusively - as is Jupiter. Religious fanaticism would be, to me, considered the only very negative quality of Sag/Jupiter. But I honestly cant think of another negative Sag/Jupiter quality. Beyond that, it would take for another negative, or negatively aspected element to color a planet in Sag, or Jupiter itself, to create something like an “arrogant” state.

Attempt to consider the chart as a singular whole. To be functioning as one point of light, as it would appear to us from very far away ie, an informational and functional point of coherence that appears to us, close up, as separate elements that can be appreciated for the task of clarifying analysis.

So, the Jupiter that rules the USA Sag ASC, is in Cancer & conjunct (with) Venus. Which is a beautiful and a very caring & generous connection indeed. It confers a great deal of beauty, genuine and profound nurturing, motherliness, value, harmony, self worthiness, sincere and never-ending pride of country, assets and wealth etc. But taking the (Cancer>caring & sensitive) Sun square Saturn (Libra>very social & engaging), and the Pluto/Mercury op into consideration - that Jupiter/Venus connection can tend to become an “overkill element” (lippy on a pig), and “appear” arrogant, in order to counter those more negative and not-so-safe-feeling and comfortable aspects. Its all functioning as one singular expression that is continuing to subtly shift and move relative to what “appears to come at it, from outside”, and how it sees, understands and feels about that - and that is an exact mirror to what is its fundamental energetic make-up. The USA has an attractive and radiant “Aura”, just like we do; that contains within it the totality of its qualities, seen and unseen.

Sun/Saturn squares tend to create a situation whereby the Sun (fundamental egoic expression) is pulled in till a greater degree of maturity is established. This obviously takes time and experience, and in the case of a country, I would assume it takes much more time than that of a human. Which would ordinarily be around 28 years (a full Saturn cycle). I have almost exclusively only worked with people in my career, so Im not entirely sure how this maturing of a country would play out. I assume its a case of the outer planets participating in the process - and its entirely possible that the USA is RIGHT NOW experiencing the most “maturing challenge” that a country can.

Saturn would remain the maturing element, because thats what its about. Stability, longevity, structure, identity, respect etc. But the deeper qualities regarding the understanding and use of Pluto power would to me, be of paramount consideration - and here is that consideration for the USA to ponder deeply. . . without a choice in the matter, either. Again, consider the chart to be one point of information that we have the capacity to break down for our own analytical purposes.

Considering the USA Pluto is IN Capricorn - that Saturn rules - the “maturing” element IS a massive part of the Pluto return purpose & experience; absolutely no doubt about that whatsoever.

The Sun/Saturn square can then tend to make one not feel “up to a task” unless “daddy says so”. . . or some other “authority figure” gives it the green light. And that is focused on negotiation, where both parties win. When we include the Pluto/Mercury part, we get an entity that is quietly tortured by the possibility of being exposed for actually not being as intelligent, genuine or considerate as it claims to be, or being exposed for horrible and heinous acts, or extremely dirty one-sided deals where others are destroyed & considered co-lateral damage etc.

As a result of all that, the Venus/Jupiter conjunction can easily be called upon to compensate, and overdo the lippy in order to hide whats under the hood. So the perceived arrogance is complex and nuanced. A lot of it is based on seriously paranoid and unfounded fear; and so therefore “protectionism”. And a lot of it is also based on not really owning its talent, value and worth. Its bluff a lot of the time, and it doesn’t need to be that way. It has not grown up enough yet to own it, because it has, through fear, refused to allow itself to experience the perceived, “bottom of the pit”, and bounce up out of that experience, like we all eventually do, as humans, IF we are to profoundly grow as Spiritual Beings.

The USA puts other countries directly through the experiences it is absolutely terrified of, without a second thought. Never understanding that those experiences make the target country grow very strong, stable and powerful < consider Russia for eg. In reality, the USA has all of what it cant clearly see that it has up its own sleeve . . . and SO MUCH more! It simply needs to allow itself to experience what its terrified of - like we humans eventually do, and then it will be all it can be, relative to what The Founding Fathers envisaged. Seriously, the Greatest Country on the planet. I now live in Australia (born here), but Ive traveled to the USA a few times from 1975 to 2002. Over those years, I noticed it going from WoW, to progressively downhill. I can only imagine its not much fun there right now. But its not much fun here either in some places. But you have the 2nd amendment for protection of all the others. We don’t.

I think we all know that Joe Biden and the Dems are as loopy and sloppy as a drunken rattler; and they dont seem to have much focus or real purpose. . . for me, Im watching the much needed breaking down and degradation of old, corrupted, toxic & outdated aspects of a dying Nation. Through the power and building capacity of the Pluto/Cap energy, & the very nourishing Sun/Jup/Venus in Cancer energy, its literally dying & being reborn as we speak. Nobody has EVER witnessed this for a nation before.

Like old food and other “stuff” in soil, over time it all breaks down and becomes a very nourishing element of the soil itself. It actually “builds the soil” via its own “death”. Its a beautiful and necessary part of our natural cosmic order. It has a quality of slow and natural fecundating in preparation for planting vibrant plant-life and “food for the nourishment of a nation”. Beautiful. Bit stinky at times, but otherwise very necessary & beautiful. Its the same when we die. Dust to dust. But from that . . .

Thanks Dixiejrt


Hi ebmason - I was of the same mind regarding Venus, till I studied all the other elements and archetypes. The Mayans for instance, going to war when Venus was retrograde. . . It has a war-like quality as much as Mars does, but only in the evening star phase. Thats when it is “male-like”. Its also when the pentagram is reversed and upside down.

Hitler for eg, had Venus retrograde in the evening star phase. Not at all totally harmonious or beautiful in its behavior or expression. Venus retrograde has “values and priorities” that are usually the reverse of what most others consider acceptable. The George Floyd event is a great expression of that vibe. That was a horrible event - in Gemini < the minds of those involved, & the streets < nervous system of the community. Right there in front of everyone. Hard to fathom what was actually going on, but it is what it is, and it seared a powerful image in the mind of the whole world.

And the next “event” is close at hand - for authority figures in Governments and Corporations . . .

Ive paid a lot of attention to Venus retrograde as the evening star, in humans. I have to say, I prefer to steer very clear of them. Even a person with Venus Direct (moving forward) in the evening star position will subtly tend toward a war-like temperament. A retrograde planet focuses its energy in the reverse of its “natural temperament”, and because Venus is “normally female”, in retrograde, its male; like right now. Arrogant, greedy and seductive.

When Venus is preceding and “announcing” the night, darkness follows. All very symbolic and exact in its expression relative to that. There are always other elements at play, obviously. So all the situations are very unique.

Although Mars doesnt have a specific reputation for being female as well as male, in retrograde motion, it has a tendency towards a more harmonious and feminine vibe. The reverse of what it tends towards naturally. Any planet with a very specific male/female identity or quality, will flip into its opposite when the appropriate circumstances arise - again - dark/light, up/down etc. Jupiter being the only outstanding planet Im aware of to maintain a mainly positive quality of expansive happiness, joy and generosity. . . accept for times of religious wars based on ideology. But even then, its via Plutonian obsession with power/control and fear of losing that.

Im not the be-all and end-all of Astrological knowledge though, so all this is wide open to other points of view. Im going off my own experiences and understanding of Astrology. Its deep and wide.

You’re most welcome :slight_smile:

I’m no astrologer. I do appreciate your analysis, but I must admit that most of your commentary is over my head as I don’t have enough context. I have a friend that is super into astrology and I have been prompted to look into it, but I haven’t yet had the time. Maybe it will be one of my next stops for research.

The connections between Venus and the age of Aquarius I referenced come from other occult sources and surround the character of Venus as well as the planet. As far as I understand, the goddess Venus is one of the guises of female dying and rising gods associated with various ancient mysteries. An example would be the Orphic mysteries. This goddess is often said to represent the sacred feminine in various occult circles. She is worshiped as Mary by the Roman Catholics. The Chalice is the symbol for the sacred feminine --the water bearer-- and is one of the primary symbols associated with the age of Aquarius. I’ve heard suggestions from sources more in line with masonry and Gnosticism that Venus/the sacred feminine is Lucifer. Of course as you know the orbit of Venus is the Pentagram. So Venus is, on an occult level, intimately linked with the age of Aquarius. Incidentally, now that we are in the age of Aquarius, we have started sending probes to Venus again. If you’re interested in this sort of thing keep an ear out for my vidchat submissions. I plan on doing a couple that will reference this information.

Thanks for all of the info in this thread! I’m sure I’ll refer back to it.


Thanks for engaging Spacespeare - I appreciate it.

Im really sorry some of it is going over your head - I try to make it somewhat educational to increase the learning part, and lessen that confusing element. Its a fine line. My chart readings sometimes go for 5 hours because I add a lot of educational parts to it - so it ends when the job is done. I like the idea that possibly many people on Earth could know enough astrology to at least function with it as a worthy tool for living day to day, and year to year. To me, that wouldnt be all that difficult to happen. With a little dedication, time and focus, Astrology is quite an easy system to learn and understand.

Its like any language, but it has many layers and interconnections that are very often more “intuitive”- or, for it to be a “great tool”, it needs to be understood enough to be intuitively layered in practice. . . please have a closer look at astrology in reference to practical and personal application. Its not too difficult. You may be surprised at how easily it integrates into your “subtle mind”. After all, the planets are very present and functional in our lives, even without our awareness of that. Surprisingly so :slight_smile:

I read some of Blavatskys’ work around occult astrology many years ago. So I understand what you’re referring to - but not enough to be able to speak much about it. For me, its often confusing because my personal understanding of planets is stubbornly locked into many years of interpretation. But I do appreciate what you’re saying, and I agree wholeheartedly with your thoughts about Venus.

Indeed, Venus Retrograde in the morning star phase is called ,“Venus Lucifer”. “The Light Bearer”. There are also references to it with Jesus, as, “The Son of The Morning Star” . . . I dont enough about that to make comment, though. Im of the mind that because the Retrograde Venus cycle is 40 days long, that has a connection to the 40 days Jesus spent “in the wilderness”. The Retrograde Venus does have that quality; to initiate a period of time whereby one turns within to assess their value & worthiness, ideally in reference to God, Spirit, Source (whatever we prefer to label “That”), and confronts any blocks that may be limiting the flow of Love etc that comes from that relationship and connection.

Over the 40 days, it also points out what is of value and worth in the material world; and by extension, what our priorities can, or should be. All of it ideally aligned with the Higher octave of Venus > Neptune; Which is “the unbounded field of Gods divine and sublime Love”.

Right now, that energy is unfolding for us all. Of course, the experience of that is relative to our unique angle(s) of connection to the Sun and Venus, particularly as Venus makes his way to the Sun. They conjunct @18 degrees Capricorn on January 10th. So if we have any planets around that degree, and especially in either, Capricorn, Aries, Cancer or Libra, we are likely to experience it quite a lot more personally and deeply. After the 10th, Venus will slowly rise as the morning star, which marks the second period of the cycle > pentagram now up-turned; and “he” now back to a more gentle, feminine quality. Much more clarity, and an appreciation of the more refined elements surrounding whatever emerged during the 1st part of the cycle, as the evening star.

I will indeed keep an eye out for your vid-chat subs.

I find the very slow shift into the Aquarian Age to be quite interesting. The collective release of the Pisces elements is pretty clear, and yet also complex in many ways. The USA Pluto return seems to be having a powerful effect on the process. As if its an integral part of the shift itself. Nothing is by accident or by coincidence. There’s no dice rolling going on here. So the Pluto return is to me, a very poignant and necessary part of it. That one tiny singular planet is the door in, and the door out - of all things. So its not really surprising it would feature powerfully in the ending of the Age of Pisces, and the beginning of the Age of Aquarius. Its all one single point of ever evolving light

The demarcation line of the two Ages is many years, and I personally feel the 60’s was possibly the most glaring signature of that very blurred line being tapped. Now that the USA Pluto Return is featuring, it appears the Aquarian “Group Mind” is being triggered somewhat severely; and its fascinating that its being facilitated via the new digital “Global Mind” < Internet and smart phones etc etc. Our Piscean “Hidden Enemies” are being dragged out for identification and then hopefully “jailed”; because they “refuse to respect boundaries”. All Age of Pisces aspects. Lower vibration aspects; but nevertheless. . .

Pluto was only discovered in the 40’s - just in time to usher in and out, the shift of the Ages. What are chances? Incredible.