Quite a few people spotted and sent along this story, and I thought it was a very appropriate story to end this year’s blogs and appropriate to the holiday season. My thanks to all of you who spotted it and sent it along. The story concerns the recent discovery of some text, apparently part of…


Let’s hope more pieces of the past can be found & we can get a more realistic picture of what was going on at that time! Having read the Life of Jesus in the Urantia Book, I would recommend it! Why should we accept what was handed to us in 325 A.D. any more than a revelation given in the 1920’s??? It seems to come down to which “book” one wishes to base one’s life upon…The Book of Mormon, The Koran, The Bible, The Urantia Book, etc. :thinking:

Hi Morrisville. Gnosticism and interpretation of truth is as old as… Indeed “time & place” is not the only equasion. I would say integrity is and the translation of that thru empathy, logic and knowledge that resonates in your heart. Books can be helpful, but in the end it will indeed be my belief formed by feelings & logic & knowledge that will steer me. I think many people follow “the flow” of what is popular in their region and on the wider web of information. In the end you are the arbiter, but most people don’t use that consiously. The popular “arbiter” of today seems to be gnosticism.


Thanks for your thoughts, neru! Since age 70 I have been on a Journey to figure out this thing of Belief Systems!! At age 80 I kind of conclude that Belief Systems are what have divided the human race…all this fighting…to what end?! :thinking: The experiences of my own life have taught me that a Belief System does not have the real “answers” we need! “Do no harm” seems to be the best I can come up with! :revolving_hearts:


Yes, we do that back and forth don’t we. Thought and especially sharing them amicably are important. For me there is no pure reason with thesis - anti thesis - synthesis. As a human I cannot understand everything, I am not God. So, life without a leap of faith is not possible for me. I think “belief” is being confused with “ideology” and that is the problem. Much insecurity is quelled with ideology to feel a semblance of safety. Safety is much sought after in these uncertain times. Why do you think prophesies are equally popular within Judaism, Islam and Christianity nowadays. Is that God’s and or Jesus fault or our interpretations that became ideologies?


Appreciate your comments, neru!! The only conclusion I can come to is that we are Players in Somebody Else’s Big Game & that is why we cannot understand our own lives! :rofl: One thing I DO know from my own experiences & observing those around me…there have been many “supernatural” happenings in ALL our lives, so some Higher Powers are involved in all this. Yes, we each make decisions, but as we grow older, we can observe our own “growth” in realizing what incorrect decisions we DID make!! :sweat_smile: I call whatever “powers” these are, my Guides, realizing that this is just one tiny planet in a Universe of, who knows, how many dimensions?!! :crazy_face: I’m looking forward to see what my next “assignment” will be?! This one has been a crazy one, for sure!!