Ah yes, The Ministry of Truth, speakwri ... um, er, ah, speak right th..., um, er, ah, walk right this way

Winston Smith (1984) works at The Ministry of Truth as a propaganda officer altering historical records to match the Party’s official version of past events.

Total Fiction right? No one would ever really attempt to What ... They are ... Really?
do this …


But the real question is…

Will they be lobbying to make Biden an honorary member of The Ministry of Silly Walks?
Perhaps all those trips up the stairs were intentional? Simply practicing his craft they’ll say. Scandal! #Biden-Gait

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Nothing really gets erased on the internet just relocated to hard to find alley ways…

The truly INSULTING thing is I received a mailer today in my mail from the Party of Chaos’ national politburo begging for a donation!


And did you also felt compelled to donate or is your neighborhood sufficiently insulated against all that weoponry? LOL

Pretty much . . . In that regard, the Wayback Machine at https://web.archive.org/ is your friend.

(From your post regarding Fire in the Minds of Men, I gather I’m not telling you anything you don’t already know, but I’m posting it in case it might help others.)

After seeing the latest O’Keefe piece on laundering billionaire donations through unwitting identities, I’m wondering if we all haven’t already donated…many times (and just are not aware of it). I should check the election commission’s website to see what all I’m supporting.

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