AI Based Apple Picking Drones

AI Based Apple Picking Drones.

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It definitely feels like an AI rollout has slowly begun… Automatecd nail kiosks, McDonalds, Police Dogs, Rehab…


Thanks for posting this information it weas a real eye opener. I just did a search on what’s happening where I live and its the same trend. Given that our countries are being flooded by immigrants you have to wonder why there are labour shortages.

There definitely do seem to be more than a few contradictions in these narratives of crises:

“There is no labor!”

“Labor costs too much!”

“Food costs too much!”

People have no money!

How about robots harvest the food, so then we can give food away for free because we don’t need to pay people to harvest that? This will work just so long as the robots don’t organize into unions and demand fair pay and paid vacations.

Or, how about people just have their own little apple orchards and pick their own apples?

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Unless you are a rancher or a farmer, you don’t get why there is an ag labor shortage. It is BLEEPing hard work and you are expected to act when the weather, the moon, the moment is necessary for you to get out and sweat your donkey off. Give people “sit on your donkey” alternatives, and that is what they will choose.

I understand that it’s a lot different for large scale farming/ranching, is different for an orchard with five or six apple trees is what I was talking about.