I find it sad also.But it may be true,infact.

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One of the perks the good doc rubbed off on me. Also, lots of critique books on gnosticism writtenl.

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It is quite true that the majority of us have experienced “supernatural happenings” in our lives which points to a level of control out of our own personal “management”!!
Since we are “inside” this “whatever this is” it seems impossible to draw any conclusions as to what it is!! :crazy_face:

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Literally the same thing. But in other words of yours. The same thing that is written in the good books, the same thing that previous generations of geniuses have interpreted. The same thing that Dr. Farrell himself says in certain occasions. The characters that is us the humans in the computer simulation or game itself sometimes or more often never can be enabled to become aware of the totality of the game.That is, one sometimes or most of the time never can or will not be able to know the Creator of the simulation Himself , the game who in some books is named as God omnipresent, omnipotent, etc.With one small but important difference in our human case. The Creator Himself is intertwined or incorporated in his creation, simulation, and He is a player and character , an external, but also an internal character and player in the simulation of his own making, that is, the game, at the same time.
In theory, of course. Or taken as a kind of hypothesis, unproven yet. All this in case everything written in the Good Books is actually true, or at least worth testing as a hypothesis.


Or maybe intrinsically, that is, they know it deep inside themselves, that in fact it is, and it is so.

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The Truth is the natural order, the natural order is Truth. Any simulacrum is self made.


In some books it is written that a metal needle prick is a painful experience. It causes pain. In some other books they criticize it and write that a metal needle prick is actually not that painful. In some third books they write that a metal needle prick depends on the type of the needle, and that it can even be healing, but it depends on the type of needle and the place of the sting. In some fourth books they write that it is all a natural defense reaction and that the healing of the needles is a lie.Еtc.
But the reader of all those books remains confused. He can decide to test all those writings or not. If someone wants to know, then he tests himself with those same needles, or for example with mosquito bites, or bee stings. He can do it intentionally, which we call experiment, or unintentionally, which we call experiencing or experience. In the latter case, the outside is the tester. Nature. There is nothing supernatural or undernatural. These are artificial mental human constructs. Everything is in nature.
And we test ourselves, we experiment on ourselves or on others, or those others themselves or on us daily. Or what we call the outside, nature on us and on others. Etc. In all possible permutations of this. Everyday, with spoken, written words or with other methods and ways. Some of which are rough, painful and deadly, such as verbal and physical fights, or wars or etc.Even here on this forum,or website.


You sound like a today’s politician. Clearly, they have not opened one book pertaining history! Yes, direct hands on experience is important, but so is context.

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Good, good excellent observation on your part. That was my intention infact ,to sound like a current politician. Current politicians and Their “spiritual” advisors should not be minimized and underestimated or ignored and put aside under the carpet in Their doings as influental persons and in Their knowledge of many many things. That is the first a mistake most people make.

That may or may not be true.In any case, it is irrelevant for Them, because the politicians of today, most of Them and if not all of Them, have an army of advisers behind them, including “spiritual” advisers, as for example in Russia.

The context is us, the non-politicians who, the ordinary voters and non-voters abstainers from politics,
the indeterminate ones , the indifferent ones in a political sense , who we bring Them to power over us. We who, as the context, They still manage to skillfully manipulate us purely in their favor. We get crumbs in return, like the birds in the square, and we are satisfied with that, right?And all this discussion between me and you might change something for the better in everyday life, or for the worse, or maybe and probably not. At least not in what always comes but never arrives.
And please do not criticizm me,i will play a nice song for you! :worried: :cry:

Imagine, Ghostbusters was a warning all along. lol

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Doc, I call your bet and raise you …

THIS IS PURE insanity ! Straight out of Cyberpunk 2020 (no not 2077) This is the start of out of the open Corporate HOT War , personal military ? Nation status ? They took the corporate person to a whole new level. At least the covert wars were using private military. Will they pledge allegiance to the Corp ? TechnoZealot ? i get the regulation part but that’s a bit much if your are creating the bad actor dialectic of AI Actor . . . .

I still remember the *Space force commander saying to the public they need to fight pirates. . . .
Thats a bit much when only state actor are in Space atm.

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1 missile or 1 ‘rogue wave’ and down it goes to Davey Jones locker. One can always hope.

… well one could run an experiment. List out, in great detail, all of the presuppositions that would have to be true in order for the simulation theory to be true. Live (behave / act) accordingly, with absolute honesty, consistency and completeness with them in EVERY aspect of your life AS IF all of the presuppositions are true … lets say for a minimum of a year. After a year has passed ask yourself how that worked out for you. The catch here of course is adhering to the “AS IF” 24/7/365. Oh, and should anyone happen to have the exhaustive list of those “I’m living in a simulation” (AI generated or otherwise) presuppositions would you mind posting them on Giza so that we may all truly understand our place in the (Simulated) Cosmos.

… Let us start with a simple question that might yield a presupposition. Does everyone have their own private simulation or is the simulation a shared one?


I made a separate thread about this, maybe merge it with this?

Welcome to the new SkyNet …

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… Yeah
Meet the new skynet
Same as the old skynet

…little known alternative ending to The Who’s “Won’t Get Fooled Again”

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… Descartes’ Evil Genius Doubt … making a comeback? or is it just a renaissance of Classical Skepticism? … a very, very slippery slope … philosophus caveat

If one is willing to do a little reading to find some comfort on the question: Am I a brain in a vat?

see “Brains in a Vat” by Hilary Putnam, 1999

  • found In Sven Bernecker & Fred I. Dretske (eds.) - Knowledge: Readings in Contemporary Epistemology, Oxford University Press., pp. 1-21.

… actually I prefer, like Smashing Pumpkins, to be a rat in a cage as opposed to a brain in a vat.

Interesting question!! One can only look back on one’s own life & try to figure out what happened & why!! I just wonder IF we can be A.I. controlled until we wake up & decide to take control of our own lives, leaving behind the brainwashing we received as children? The programming of whatever “culture” one grew up in seems to feed all the conflicts. Wouldn’t it be a hoot if we finally discover that an A.I. IS in control of our Realm, as Tesla calls it?! CYRUS A. PARSA has a good film out on his website The A.I. He seems to be The One in The Know about A.I.

Thanks. I’ll check it out, :slight_smile:

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