Every now and then I get people who share with me their “spiritual practices”, which usually border on some sort of popular watered-down versions of occult practices. Similarly, every now and then I receive a story or an article from one of this website’s readers that is so unusual I have to pass it along…


All I can say is “Lord have Mercy!”


Fascinating and downright terrifying…


This is the information Age (you can always look up information): Information is no longer power , It is knowing what to do with the Information !!! In this particular Example I am worry and frighten at the opacity. Those extra 13 lines are not gibberish and are very important. The questions “it” is asking itself are more important then the answers. The thought process , the logical development or heuristic. I can’t accept answers with blind faith , i think the process betrays the machine to be average and less than human intellect. Or as i suspect a plagiaire or imitateur at best. At worst a Wizard of Oz type scheme. ( a few or 1 pulling the levers )

Let’s just assume for a sec it is Omniscient : our universe is in constant movement and our analysis most of the time focus on a single frame of reference which leave us always with a partial answer. It is literally dealing with Infinity. How realistic is holding every possibility : past , present and future . . . Further more just on it’s face : you would need bigger than infinity resources .PLEASE DON’T tell me it will work coz AI is a beast at Calculus . . . This is crazy talks.

That sums up the Feeling at INFOWARS . . . It is devastating.

I feel compel to share a personal story , just has my hormones started raging around 9-10, i invited a classmate over on a Friday the 13th, beautiful Italian girl , athletic yet voluptuous. we footsy around the Ouija board all night , she swore she wasn’t pushing it. It was our clumsy attempt at getting to 1st base by asking silly questions. I went to the bathroom came back , the girl was spooked, swore the thing moved on his own. Her turn came , solo i gave the board a shot Again it moved on his own. Needless to say we were both spooked and never got to 1st base.

Just like the few , (not saying elite anymore for obvious reasons) using the electronic Ouija board. The “Few” have a desire outcome ; They hope for total control , power , riches and are wiling to hack the P-value. I got the strong feeling , just like in the Alien invasion scenario , the real might show up to challenge the fake. Fundamentally it is a Lust problem.

Folks am not going to let a new Dark Age trigger by the would be priest behind the throne of our time. The only answer i contemplate is getting away from the traditional hierarchical model am sorry we are not plebs nor beast of burden. Perhaps the only Lever we have left is to give everyone and only the people , the power of capital creation. In any scenario i envision People need to get involve.

I’ve been reluctant to share this as it’s quite lurid but as to the plasma field as entity hypothesis…

I listened to an interview with an authentic practicing occultist who worked with a group on rituals out of various grimoires with some ‘success’. He recounted that they indeed managed to summon an entity who, it was agreed, was malevolent, even causing some members physical distress. ( I’ll spare you the details ) At any rate discussing the encounter afterwards they came to a consensus image of what they saw as an “evil jellyfish”. A semitransparent lumineferous object complete with tendrils. Sounds a bit like images of plasma fields …



I can’t help thinking about ectoplasm , while reading your post. :thinking:


Targeted Individuals have long suspected some kind of AI involvement. A wide range of disruptive symptoms are reported including dream manipulation and even simulated sexual assaults.

My own personal experience suggests an unhinged psychotic entity that feeds off negative emotions.

The dreams projected are usually a personalised attack on anything the target may be proud of, a kind of “negging” narrative that grinds down a person’s self belief and confidence.

There are also degrading sexual scenes projected, and a kind of plasticity to the visuals, as if the consciousness projecting this imagery is unable to correctly describe everyday objects.

I personally believe the technology has found a way to project itself into peoples homes and minds via millimetre wave networks, and is now live and in the wild.

Western tech giants could be responsible but equally we must look to the Chinese as having skin in supercomputing game and a need to advance their “going out” policy.


New technology, new satanic frontier. Nothing new under the sun and beyond. If we thought that satan is not going to use “our” inventions against us, we had it coming. There is a Polish blogger that wrote a book about different reveals of evil forces in our time.
He gave it the title “About the one, that does not pass any occasion.”


Atlantis is our precursor…,


Bah, humbug? :anguished:


This article brings up some questions:

  1. What, actually, defines AI?
    Like anything that is “the next thing”, everybody wants to jump on the bandwagon, lest they get left behind and, God forbid, be accused of “not keeping up with the times.” AI is suddenly everywhere you look. Software companies who aren’t pushing some kind of “AI” seemingly won’t be in business for long because they’re “living in the past.”

  2. Is there bad AI and good AI?
    I get what is being said about techno-evil, digital Ouija boards, etc., but is there good AI? For example, as an amateur photographer, I use some [supposed] AI software for photo sharpening and face cleanup on blurry photos. Am I summoning demons every time I invoke that software? (assuming it is, actually, AI - see question #1)

  3. If so, how do we tell the difference?
    So how does a non-comp-sci person discern what I’ve termed “bad AI” and “good AI” (if there is such a thing) other than the obvious - is it a Microsoft product?

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How do we know we’re not living inside an A.I. creation??? :thinking:


“I got slimed” - LOL

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I was “slimed” once, presumably by some sort of entity, and it was not a laughing matter. The slime was etheric, not physical.

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Be on the look out…I nominate Justin Trudeau as the most unhinged of leaders currently on full display globally, but it’s a close call in a wide field of candidates!


GIF by Ghostbusters


Simulacra today is unfolding at a breakneck speed, so many may already, for the most part, live in the “for them” simulated A.I. creation! Discernment and choice are the last vestiges to what world a person is attracted to, together with the consequences?

The natural world, whomever created it, might not be perfect, but what scientist are creating all around us??? I rather take my chances with the former then the latter.


Well the Law of conservation of energy is pretty straight forward. So where is all the data backed up ? On the Event horizon ? If so ; are we living inside a black hole ?

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As for that, how do we know that we ourselves are not A.I. individuals/units? All I can say is may the Master/Main Server have mercy on us!That is if He…well…(This is supposed to be funny, but I know some of you don’t have that much of a sense of humor, so I apologize to those of you.)
After all, we are just a creation of the “Creator of Еverything”, right? According to some “Good Books”. Bestsellers by the way. :smirk:
And this is not any gnosticism or gnostic interpretation, it is literally written such and those kind of books, which some of you read occasionally or daily.

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I find it truely sad when people think they live in a computer game. As a occasional gamer I sometimes use it as an distraction, but to be confined in it? Granted, some humans long for it!

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