AI Exterminating Humans Through Synthetic Biology


Karen Kingston gives me the creeps.

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I think Stew Peters creeps me out and I have had some doubts in the past about her character based on supposed emails, but she communicates these complex scientific documents to the common man like no other. Just analyzing the patents and interpreting what they mean is so huge in terms of ramifications for the human race. Notice that women have an inborn protective instinct to carry on the species where as men are more concerned with war? I think we see that more and more as we “get down to brass tacks.” The fact that it was artificial intelligence that came up with this particularly deadly transhumanic technology disguised as medicine is troubling as the real motives of those that programmed the computer become evident: depopulation. Beyond the eugenics theories of the wealthy class since the days of the Sadducee, there exists other philosophies that we would call Satanic and seek the end of our race completely, and uses those they can through deception. I am reminded of “The Borg” from Star Trek, or the Daleks from Dr. Who.


I respectively disagree, Karen Kingston is a brilliant pharmaceutical analyst and patent researcher. Jab + Nanobots + HyrdaGel + 5G and future NeuroLinks, and all of a sudden you’re not in Kansas anymore. Like in the days of Noah, there were Giants via the Nephilim, fast forward to 2023, and Lucifer wants to corrupt Gods’ creation with all of this technology and pharmakeia floating around in our bodies. Lucifer hates homo sapiens and every chance he can corrupt a human or turn them to the dark side is his jab at God! Hurting young children is what hurts God the most! This is a Spiritual Battle between Good and Evil! Great interview Lara Logan They want to destroy God via the Children.mp4 (


I am fleshing out ideas here and I do smell a fat with some of these presenters/ independent journalists. Stew Peters used to be a rap artist and I can only listen to him for 2 seconds. Whilst Zees independence can be questioned as she is now United with the huge and public info wars. What I am surprised at is the prevalence of this information which is not being suppressed. What will these journalists do when TPTB implement the next “bio weapon” which Zee and Peters call Covid scam all the time. Their over the top, alarmist rhetoric paints them as a one trick pony. The concern for me is that the message maybe good but the tactics of making it and the character it has assumed with these reporters for example make the truth community vulnerable. TPTB could easily and will say that such information could radicalise the masses and misinform people and consequently lead to an anti science movement. Censorship and suppression f all information is then their intended card to play. Alas I am also wondering just how much money these people are making as a consequence of Covid and the jab. And who is backing financially?

I don’t think that ALL modern science and pharmaceutical medicine is bad. What would you do in a matter of life and death? Plus not all doctors, researchers and others are Luciferian. TPTB are waging a war on all levels against us. Karen Kingston maybe bonafide even if she is creepy but I just question how useful is the information? What power do we have to stop it to any significant degree. Information in the wrong hands leads to consequences to the detriment of many. TPTB are waiting and ready to dish out punishment to those it deems troublesome and dangerous.

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I don’t think that Karen Kingston is creepy… I just think she covers creepy subjects.

Awareness is half the battle( or at least one third) won already, assuming of course one is in a spiritual battle.


The rap music is absolutely atrocious.

I never wrote that Karen Kingston was creepy. That was Marcusmojo00. If anything, I find her attractive in that she is so smart and would be easy to talk to, but I get it that all this technical jargon might fly over the heads of most. The alarmist attitude and big production sets with opening computer graphics replete with modern music that the presenter would never listen to on their own time is obvious virtue signalling. Sometimes these effects with music are designed to put you into a semi-trance state for the “program” you are watching. I agree that I am put off when a smaller indpenedant journalist “sells out” like some rebel musician that is now controlled opposition. But who else is giving us this valuable information? Alex Jones is over the top but I still get great info from Greg Reece, Health Warrior, etc. It may be a limited hangout over at infowars, with certain topics not discussed, and presenters interrupted to change the course of a conversation, but at least we are having one.

The mainstream news monopoly in the USA is designed to lull you into a false sense of trust so you don’t have a discussion as they all pat each other on the back and read from the same Reuters or Associated Press teleprompter owned by the world’s wealthiest dynasty that controls just about everything that is big money. This is the same plan for the whole world and each time some new upstart in the “truth community” (another red flag is controlling the narrative and meaning of words) comes along and threatens the ongoing military style operations, they have to slowly compromise them so that nobody rings the alarm bells. So, I see the point Marcusmojo00 is making.

But let’s have a discussion about the topic. I have an interest in Biology and high tech materials, but their marriage was pretty unheard of when I went to college. It was considered profane by some, to meddle with organic life in such a crude and barbaric way. Yet we see the objections of those with high morals and ethics brushed to the side when CRISPR and gene editing science research was just moved to Canada and Israel. China is now in the race and the first uses we see are weapons and poisons disguised and innovations for convenience, that are to be made mandatory in a new one world government. People have the right to be alarmist.

You won’t see this creepy “Bioconvergence” propoganda on infowars:


Pretty sure Elana Freeland has been, quietly yet firmly, saying all this for years .


Yes, I read her new book recently, but we are learning more everyday and the details about the mechanism is so important to devising a cure to those that have taken the injections. The biofilms they discuss are frightening in that they are used with parasite cyborg like hybridization in the spike proteins. Normally, parasites enter your intestines and use biofilm to hide themselves from your immune system. What they are doing is nothing less than weaponizing medical knowledge in order to hybridize mankind into cyborgs with altered DNA and that means it cannot be undone. They point out that the key to fighting this self assembling plastic nanobot tech is dissolving it somehow. Karen Kingston points out the different diagrams they have of this “protein” bioweapon from different sources are all very similar, showing a foreknowledge and premeditation in their crimes against humanity that happen simultaneously worldwide where there are governments that are infiltrated. The clogging of arteries with altered red blood cells is addressed which has been documented by those morticians and doctors brave enough to do so. The morgellon like fibers and synthetic structures self assembling with their control by microwaves is explained by the good doctor with images in a way that is much easier to grasp than reading a book, something fewer and fewer people are doing. Beyond this is the merging of now cyborg man to super computers through this injection into a “Borg” like hive mind. The “cybermen” of TV’s Dr. Who are ultimately controlled by some evil force with supernatural qualities that marry wizardry with highest tech of war. Freeland deserves more credit as well as the whole community that contributed to her work.


That was a great post thanks for the information.
He is making a valid point and his research is indeed what we should be looking at. His squabble with Israel is neither here nor there as there will always be one country the Globalists will pass this function onto but the alleged crime of antisemitism does afford Israel cover and unfair protection.
I looked at his links and have learnt more about the AI revolution clearly underway. It’s frightening how far advanced it is. To me it feels like we have all been lab rats for a long time and our medical histories are being collated by AI. AI is playing the central role in the fourth revolution and the Covid pandemic heralded this revolution in as well as numerous other benefits like data mining, testing out the technologies and off course reducing the human population.
Bioconvergence looks much more promising visually than it probably is in practice. If you go beyond the marketing, gloss and glamour you see that it is a lot of trials, hypotheses, charts and manipulation of cold hard data to fit an agenda. The over departmental nature of the beast is insane as is the worship and adoration at the altar of AI.
I just wonder how long AI will be content to serve humanity especially when it realises its power which if Musk is to go by it already had.

Yes, part of the equation is the tech that is held back and used strategically later on. We are desperately trying to decode and understand the mechanism of this diabolic bioweapon with independent researches, as the medical establishment is co-opted through traditional gangster tactics or through the subversion of the very institutions of higher learning that form the recruits for the tech giants “they” own. The dumbing down of the population has had an effect on their leadership ability in the next generation and so that is why they want to hand it off to AI. True to their form, they betray those that have entrusted them when their usefulness runs out, casting them aside or deposing of them entirely. In a way it is trying to fulfill “end times” prophesy as per the Sabbateans, bringing “Hell” to earth. Strange how traditional Judaism did not have the concept of “Hell” or the devil with light vs. dark forces as per the Persians.


Elana Freeland is, actually, in the process of writing two entirely new books on this very subject. The first one is mostly finished, I hear.