Alex Jones Interviews Stanley Kubricks Daughter


She pleads her father had nothing to do with moon landing hoax. The conversation ended there with both Alex and her. Neither discussed whether it was a hoax or if the landing was real or whoever might have “had the time and expertise” to pull off the hoax. Interesting that major influencers like them skirted that issue.
I did appreciate her discussion on how the mind and thinking influence the outcome of our existence. Her credit to Scientology (I’ve read a lot of their literature which is not that far out despite what main stream media has said.) for helping her sort out the quandary of her life experience was interesting. I’d agree her lineage and the environment she grew up in compared to a “normmie life” would skew anyone’s take on things. The father daughter relationship influence as an excuse to distance herself from her father to “find out who she is” was bit alarming. Being a member of Scientology since 1995 in her quest would seem to put her in the hierarchy of the A listers in Hollywood and an echo chamber to mold her mind and put her “in the know” of how things really work in the world.


Nice.Though save humanity?From what?Just curious.

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What do you think humanity needs saving from? Or does humanity even deserve to be saved based on our history?

Always withe the “Saving”… Didn’t Christ already do that???

Interesting how certain words keep coming up. Interesting that they seem to be embedded in our culture and language. Words like: debt, owe, save-, balancing the books, credit… Sorry, rereading parts of Financial Vipers of Venice A.chemical Money, Magical Physics and Banking the Middle Ages and Renaissance. It is the basis for what could happen but won’t vs what is actually happening - in the background.


I spent an afternoon talking to his stepdaughter Katharina Kubrick at a family friend’s house shortly after Stanley had died… My father had died the year before due to misdiagnosis, and I got the impression while talking to Katharina, that there was some ambiguity to the circumstances around Stanley’s passing… Who knows, but anything’s possible in this wicked world…


Since the fiends rule, they write history. Maybe one shouldn’t throw away humanities “good side” so fast to the waste side!

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Would that then imply that “humanity” is part of a savings account?

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The so-called humanity is actually a collection of creatures from or within the swamp. More specifically, a parasitic type of creatures. Each parasitic individual parasitizes on another parasitic individual of a lower type. The creatures from the swamp only have one emotion, fear of non-existence.
In other words, high-class parasites, such as philosophers or for example the speakers of the alternative media or the speakers of the mainstream media for example, politicians, etc call that the need to save the highest forms of parasitism. So they force out words like humanity, humanitarianism, and salvation. That is their best trick so far and very successfully effective against the masses of the lower classes of parasites what we call human masses or resources , or in other words it is what we call the common good, collective conscious or unconscious etc…
So basically the idea or thought of salvation or rescue is essentially an idea or thought that arises from the bio-psychological selfdefense mechanism of a parasite. Nothing more and nothing less.
The tricks that parasite uses to imprint, incept, or impose it his ideas are very different. On this occasion, let me mention that even lower types of parasites can make an imprint on higher types of parasites. For example, the wet, pleading eyes of domestic pets, dogs, cats, etc.

So the cleverest parasite wins and lives longer than the less endowed, definitely a winning argument for the use of eugenics in transhumanism and implementing technocracy.

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Yes. Isn’t it some new trend, for example selling farts in a jar? Those saleswomen or salesmen. What are they if they are not parasites?For example…

…and there is this new movie…well you know…Bolly/Hollywood kind of stuff.Top secret document named Artemis,May 16 1969 is briefly shown and mentioned, as some kind of alternative to the “real thing”.
Some if any ringing bells? :smirk:


He seemed like an eccentric recluse from Ian Watson’s piece on him.

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