Alien/UFO "Salvation from Outer Space" PSYOP to displace God, Jesus?

Found this Matt Ehret video VERY interesting. From the very beginning, our gov ‘agencies’ created the alien/ufo psyop to eliminate the belief in Christianity and scaring us into submission using occultism, perfect hatred and sensationalism of demons (creating medium mystic psychosis). Your comments?

Invaders From Earth- The Terrestrial Forces Behind the UFO Deception


The effort to defeat transcendental experience knows no bounds.


Many thanks ntwess, if you haven’t read “invoking the beyond” I recommend it despite its thickness.

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Thanks for your interest and info. Will find the book.

So agree. Allot of confusion out there.

For an eye-opening account of how our SSP got started check out the book series, “Sands of Time” by Dr. Sean D. Morton, who recently made his departure. In 2009 he was given the journals of the scientist who, starting in the 60’s, began developing our SSP. He had been observing Sean for years & decided he would be the best person to tell his story! I’m sure Sean spiced it up a bit, but the science part seems to be a true representation of what was done. Once again, we Normies have not been allowed to know the truth of what has been going on. All these NDA’ s that have been signed!! :shushing_face: