Alternate view on DOGE related things

Here is a site for some altering view points for the more commonly posted articles. I like reading Yves Smith at however i don’t always agree with their viewpoint. Some of their Covid stuff in the beginning felt lazy, but then they dug in and got it right in summer through fall of 2020, a small fraction behind the curve. In their defense they do Economy well.

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If one takes a gander at the Constitution that spells out the role of government, most of the expenditures uncovered would not qualify, therefore in essence, fraudulent.


Know what you mean Bill. Not recognizing that the expenditures as fraudulent is like the Gnostic practice of changing what the words mean to officiate the crime. It may sound wrong but it is really helping people. Fine, but don’t misuse taxpayer funds and don’t persist in hiding it, and then get all outraged when your found-out and storm the building. More of our current strangeness.

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… not to mention the portion of those funds that were never “authorized by Congress”.


In the FASB 56 world, one has to wonder just how far the unauthorized “funds” go.


Thanks for posting link to NakedCapitalism. Yves & her crew are usually Democrats but very truthful about the party’s failings, sometimes more effectively than oblique Republican criticisms. I’m with Catherine & Whitney Webb on Elon & DOGE. There was a right way to audit for financial crimes and the billionaire stealing tactics from Javier Milei style of audit, which is what happened, and I did not like Elon’s young lieutenants snooping around in Treasury databases - with a cloud computing CEO no less - as Naomi Wolf pointed out. What was he doing there?

And why were so many right wing voters so clueless about USAID? Trusting “our top guys” again? I’ve known for ages it was corrupt, a front for the CIA many times. I didn’t know of every ridiculous expenditure, but as I posted on X - we had 4 Republican presidents while USAID was getting more bloated & outrageous - including first term Trump. Why was nothing done all those years? (my answer - because BOTH parties were using it for pet projects)


The most interesting statement of Musk during the inauguration festivities was " DOGE will take us to Mars"
If main premise of that fraud chasing operation is to stop the steal, then maybe just maybe they can compete with extraterritorial actors having at their disposals $300T?

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Been thinking about that myself. Maybe what Rubio and others said about refusing to answer questions posed by Congress: to whom, for what, how much.

The books were taken black FASB 56. Thanks to CAF for that boulder size piece of the puzzle.

Former CPA here. It is actually FASAB 56 (or most correctly, SFFAS 56 issued by FASAB) not FASB 56.

FASB 56 is a different standard (about Hospital-Related Organizations) and the pronunciation of FASAB as FASB is unfortunately incorrect.

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… not stopping the steal … just a “reappropriation” of the steal possibly?

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It may be incorrect as “Peer” is an incorrect pronunciation of the capital of South Dakota. It is, however, how South Dakotans pronounce it, and Fazz-bee 56 is how most of us here pronounce it since Catherein Fitts was the one who popularized it.


The correct use of English would be the modifier, more, not most…


Hey Hurfen:

You may notice as you continue on the Forum that many of us goof around a bit with the traditional spelling of persons, places, things and ideals. We are known to be quite clever at times.

We do, however, appreciate knowing the correct terms and spelling. It makes it easier to goof around with them.

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