Amazon "The Demon in the Ekur: Angels, Demons, Plasmas, Patristics, and Pyramids" cancelled!

This is the second time Amazon has cancelled a pré-order from Joseph. I was expecting it, and tried other venues but to date can’t find the book anywhere.

I suppose as an European that can’t cough up the import and sending costs I won’t be reading anymore books of Joseph. Sad state of affairs since I own every book he published to date. Sorry if I sound a bit drama queenish, but yes, I am heartbroken! At this point in time I don’t see any point in attending any vidchats either.

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I cancelled my pre-order of the new Giza book when Amazon changed the delivery date, I had it on pre-order since January for delivery on 25th August, this was changed to 25th October. I have no confidence that Amazon will meet the revised date. It’s such a shame it’s not easier to obtain the good Doctor’s books.


Just checked again, Amazon are stating the release of The Giza Death Star Revisited as February 27th 2024…

Look at how Amazon discount the price to try and get people to pre-order then can’t deliver and push back the delivery date.

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It is confusing but I have received the book from Amazon Monday (Canada) this week.

Who knows what the reality is, but to date I haven’t found the book at other big sellers a la amazon within the EU Union countries. I don’t know about GB but for me that has the same problems as getting it from the US in costs since GB left the Union. Maybe there is also the shenanigan of soft censoring at play without outright stating it.

Have you tried contacting any of these AL affiliate bookstores that are listed in Europe?

They may be able to do a special order for you.
(We never buy anything from Amazon, always try and get a workaround to avoid dealing with that company).

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This has happened to me many times, and I’m in the USSA.
This is typical behavior of a market that’s been monopolized.
In other words, “they” control the market; not the buyers[the so-called supply demand curve].
As there is no price discovery mechanism.
I eventually got my books…
Sometimes, it would occur with the same book, again & again.

However; it has never happened with “their” bestsellers.
Only with the books, that question the official narratives.
I’m Casablanca shocked!

[in fact, if a controversial book arrived on time? I wondered about the book’s “integrity”.
That’s how I now associate a book’s value.
On time?
Something’s right?
Ut oh… ]


Thanks sunnyboy. I avoid Amazon as much as possible but Joseph’s books are not available in local shops, only the big online ones. Commomwealth countries don’t belong to the EU Union so same levied costs.

Either I relent and buy directly and or wait on that maybe have it for sale on 12 oktober.
The Demon in the Ekur, Joseph P Farrell | 9781948803649 | Boeken |

It is simply another layer of reality whilst most people get poorer and poorer!

We managed to get some of the books special ordered through a small family-run bookstore that was willing to place the orders for us. (And the rest we obtained directly from Adventures Unlimited).

If you don’t have a local family-run bookstore that’s willing to place a special order, and if you don’t want to use Amazon, then ABE Books might have some copies for sale.

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Did you try

They might ship overseas.

Yeah, understandable. I wasn’t keen on doing business with paypal, but I did just get my copy from Adventures Unlimited, sent direct to the Philippines. Arrived yesterday, just in time for me to read the intro and be at the webinar today (tomorrow morning my time). I won’t use Amazon, so maybe I can recommend Adventures Unlimited direct shopping…they do at least deliver! :slight_smile:

That’s too bad, this is a challenge with print-only books.

I understand the risk with digital copies that they may be manipulated from the original manuscript or there are other reasons why an author would chose to not authorize digital copies.

Haven’t been able to afford more books or subscribe for the vid-chats recently but I can print pdfs at local library they give $7 a week to anyone with a library card for printing!

Only ten cents per black and white page but fifty cents for color.

Is better to read things that have been printed so can write notes and rip pages out.

They do ship oversees. The problem is inflation. It is not about what I want anymore but what is possible within my budget.

Hmm. That is an idea. I will go to my local bookstore and ask if they would get the book directly from adventuresunlimited. Can’t hurt to ask!

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I wonder if Adventures Unlimited had considered supplying some books via ABE Books (as an alternative to Amazon), as that company seems to be straightforward. Some authors do sell some of their books through ABE. Next time I place an order with Adventures Unlimited, I’ll ask them what they think about selling some of their books that way so that wider audience can access them. One challenge is some vendors (through ABE) are charging a lot for shipping, and others aren’t, and so it’s hard to know what’s going on there (depends on the individual bookseller, perhaps shipping issues in different locales).

We appreciate what you mean about tight budget – we’re feeling a crunch too. Reading books is one thing we haven’t given up on.


Amazon apparently cancelled Dr. McCullogh’s book on the covid fraud due to “offensive content” without explaining what content, exactly, they found offensive–

(Neru: we hope you’ve found a workaround to Amazon)

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Just for the record (and I am no fan of Amazon), I pre-ordered in May, with a projected delivery of Sept. 10. I did get it, although about a week later than promised.