American B-One(B-1/Bone) bomber lands in Sweden?!

Interesting choice of words in the picture…
From the Telegram group Telegram: Contact @IntelRepublic

Funny that the plane actually looks like the Cross ones in the Jolly Rogers/Skull and bones logo.

The lower pic is from the Wallenbergs estate outside of Stockholm.
They have openly had the flag waving of pirates…

Is this a sign that Sauron is calling the troops home to Mordor?

Here is a text from the article with the last picture…

The English word “pirate” comes from the Latin term purateivitia (“sailor, corsair, sea robber”) and that from Greek πειρατής (peiratēs), “brigand”, in turn from πειράομαι (peiráomai), “I attempt”, from πεῖρα (peîra), “attempt, experience”.
The meaning of the Greek word peiratēs literally is “one who attacks (ships)”.
The word is also cognate to peril.
The term first appeared in English c. 1300.
Spelling did not become standardised until the eighteenth century, and spellings such as “pirrot”, “pyrate” and “pyrat” occurred until this period.

Vikings were sea warriors, pirates, mainly from the present-day Scandinavia, who participated in boat-borne raids and war campaigns in the Nordics, Europe and Western Asia from 793 until the 12th century. During the period, Nordic warriors conquered large parts of the British Isles and northern France.

The word viking first appears in Old English sources, and in most early sources, including Norse, it refers to pirates, without further specification of origin.

All sources up to the national romance present the word viking in its various forms as a translation of the Latin pirate, before the word pirate began to be used in northern European languages, and the term has not had any geographical limitation in any of these sources."

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Yeah, I’ve read about the Wallenbergs… Quiet money & Influence- could be the Tip top of the Villain charts… rumour has it…so many rumours…

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They seem connected to basicly everyone on the top tier deepstate assets.
But they are never “involved” in anything ever.

Read some of my threads on the board, ive shared alot more then rumours.
They are slowly getting put into the spotlight that they have been able to avoid for a very long time.


Here is an article that describes the Wallenbergs connections to another Skull and Bones family.

" An old article about old stick horses, which is still one of those that comes closest to describing what has not yet been seen in the light of reality, it is a pure damage minimization article of course, but in those days you had to be happy for what was there available. We actually remember how much time we put into the National Archives after this

“The most puzzling part of the story remains shrouded in mystery: the connection, if any, between Prescott Bush, Thyssen, the Consolidated Silesian Steel Company (CSSC) and Auschwitz.”

Not at all!

On July 18, 1938, Stockholm’s Enskilda Bank wrote to the Warburg Bank and requested information on whether the German authorities would in principle accept a solution with payment in IG Farben shares for the Warburg Bank. They didn’t want to risk a rejection - it was important to think about the opinion-forming effects even then. At the same time, it was announced that the required IG Farben shares were available in Berlin. Imagine that they were not stored in Sweden…

In the light of the above - THEN this below really doesn’t just look a little strange…but maybe to a Swede who doesn’t understand anything, can explain the diligent political tourism to Auschwitz for Swedish purposes and why it is so sensitive that questioning historiography……

So - the history of the foundation of the camp is thus linked to the initiative of the German chemical group IG Farbenindustrie AG to build its third large factory for synthetic rubber and liquid fuels. The new camp was to be located in Silesia, beyond the range of Allied bombers at the time – IG Farben, as you know, played on that side as well. Among the several sites proposed in December 1940/January 1941, the final choice fell on the flat land between the eastern part of Oświęcim and the villages of Dwory and Monowice. The decision was justified by the favorable geological conditions, the availability of railway lines, the water supply (Vistula) and the availability of raw materials: coal (the mines of Libiąż, Jawiszowice and Jaworzno), lime (Krzeszowice) and salt (Wieliczka).

Anyway, IG Farben put the elements of the agreement in place between February and April 1941. The company bought the land from the Treasury at an absolutely fantastic price, and we don’t mean in nominal terms, after the land had been seized from its Polish owners without compensation - as I said, the name sounds a bit familiar nowadays… their houses were removed and demolished. At the same time, the German authorities expelled the Jews from Oświęcim (relocating them to Sosnowiec and Chrzanów), confiscated their homes and sold them to IG Farben as housing for company employees from Germany. Some local Polish residents were similarly removed. Finally, IG Farben officials reached an agreement with the concentration camp commandant to hire prisoners at a favorable cost per day for the labor of extra and skilled construction workers.

Doesn’t this look very strange and to say that it seems to be connected to Sweden, will most certainly in time turn out to be the worst understatement of the last century - from a whole range of different perspectives. Birkenau is actually called Brzezinski - Wallenberg owned shares in the parent company IG Farben - IG Farben created the Auschwitz concept.

IG Farben was brought down at Nuremberg - Wallenberg was not, who was saved by the onset of the Cold War - which was created by the Atomic Bombing of Nagasaki as a spark and then further by mainly the Dulles Brothers and George Kennan.

SKF’s Ball bearing monopoly among almost completely unlimited other things, will absolutely not make this thing less prominent what it suffers……

"Thyssen owned the largest steel and coal company in Germany and became rich from Hitler’s rearmament efforts between the two world wars. One of the pillars of “Thyssen’s” international corporate network, UBC, worked exclusively for and was owned by a Thyssen-controlled bank in the Netherlands. More telling are Bush’s links to the Consolidated Silesian Steel Company (CSSC), based in minerals in Silesia on the German-Polish border. During the war, the company used Nazi slave labor from concentration camps, including Auschwitz. Ownership of CSSC changed hands several times during the 1930s , but documents from the US National Archives last year declassified Bush’s link to CSSC, although it is not clear whether he and UBC were still involved in the company when Thyssen’s US assets were seized in 1942.

Three sets of archives highlight Prescott Bush’s involvement. All three are easily accessible thanks to the efficient US archives system and a helpful and dedicated staff at both the Library of Congress in Washington and the National Archives at the University of Maryland.

The first set of files, the Harriman documents in the Library of Congress, show that Prescott Bush was a director and shareholder in a number of companies involved in Thyssen.

The second set of papers, held in the National Archives, is contained in Confirmation Order No. 248 which records the seizure of the company’s assets. What these files show is that on October 20, 1942, authorities seized the assets of UBC, where Prescott Bush was a director. After going through the bank’s books, further raids were made on two partners, Holland-American Trading Corporation and Seamless Steel Equipment Corporation. By November, the Silesian-American Company, another of Prescott Bush’s ventures, had also been seized.

The third set of documents, also at the National Archives, is in the files on IG Farben, which was indicted for war crimes.

A report issued by the Office of Alien Property Custodian in 1942 of the companies that “since 1939 these properties (steel and mine) have been in the possession of and have been operated by the German Government and have undoubtedly been of considerable assistance to the war work of that country”.

What is missing as always….

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Apathy Rules, the NPC’s will yawn and fall back to sleep…

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Interesting that the word Viking anagrams to “kiving”, an old word for strife. And, of course, “Vi King”, perhaps to mean the arrogance of “we’re the kings here” .

“Pyrat” leads me immediately to think of the word “pyre”, as in “fire”; and that old Greek theory that “pyramid” means “fire-in-the-middle” …

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Isn’t it illegal to fly anything but a Swedish flag at the top of one’s flagpost???


Have you thought of collating all of your “Wallenberg” material into book or .pdf form( clearly a thread would be impossibly long) ? I imagine quite a few Gizars might be interested.

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Im quite sure there is something like this in the works already.
There is a older book called The art of closing ownership.

This goes into depth about their dealings around WW2.

But for people interested i always recommend my main source

Its a Swedish blogg but ive managed to use Google translate for everything i share here.

This information has been collecting dust for a long time.
Its always been in the opening but very few people have touched it until recently.
Probably was to hot for those who knew what it was.
So most journalists who understood it choose to focus on other parts of the machine.

I think its also about timing, the people exposing the deepstate had to first show the lower layers and bring a general understanding of the whole operation.

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Here is a few interesting pictures.

Its from a news article

"Direct contact between Bush and Wallenberg

New York:

Wallenberg gets direkt contact into the new US government when George Bush gets into the presidency today Saturday.
Bushs defence minister Donald Rumsfeldt sits in the board of Wallenberg energy company Asea Brown Boveris(ABB)nedladdning (18)

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